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Europe – to be or not to be (The dilemmas of Europe) –

/ world today news/ Europe’s dilemmas are a projection of the mega-dilemma in Shakespeare’s Hamlet tragedy “To be or not to be…”. This is much more than a theatrical cue. This is a frontier philosophy about life in all its diversity. According to Hamlet, his age has fallen into disarray (as well as ours), and he sees in the power-hungry and callous Claudius the “smiling rascal” from whom he must be freed in order to restore wholeness of the world.

Indeed, Europe is facing a general election. To realize what she is today and what she wants to be tomorrow! A Europe of Fall or Rise, of Shame or Glory? Colonial or sovereign? Europe of war or peace? Europe of history or of the future? Pawn or piece on the world chessboard? More and more Biden becomes Baigan not only for our continent.

Europe’s chance is associated with state leaders such as:

Viktor Orbán, Rumen Radev and Aleksandar Vucic, who have the courage to oppose the dead Atlantic currents and the insane sanctions and militaristic policies;

– The disobedient Erdogan and perhaps Macron, who during the visit to China remembered the independent General de Gaulle, whose grandson categorically stated that the conflict in Ukraine was provoked by the USA. He also remembered the national interests of France, and probably the Great French Revolution. It remains for him to free himself from his Oedipal complex;

– The “Putin-Xi” tandem, which jointly offers an optimal economic and military-political offer for the peaceful development of the old continent, in contrast to NATO, the EU and the covid-dollar. An unusual life belt. And perhaps the only one;

-The pleiad of Latin American Marxist leaders, led by President Lula of Brazil, who set a good example of neutralizing US dominance.

Europe’s bad luck is a consequence of such fictitious nonsense as:

– Scholz and Berbock, trapped in their Hitler past. Just one appearance of Putin in non-civilian uniform threw them into a panic days ago.

– Ursula, Charles Michel and B.B.’s boss. and of the EPP – Weber, known for his caricature appearances and corruption umbrellas.

– Kachin and microscopic Baltics as the most overt American submarines in European territorial waters;

– Let’s not forget the vampiric clown-Nazi Zelensky – the Ukrainian and European gravedigger.

Of course, the worst thing for Europe remains as long as it carries in its womb American subservience, the priority of American interests and so-called Euro-Atlantic values. And in the face of Great Britain, the Europeans also face a second revised edition of the USA.

Europe vitally and fatefully needs new horizonsnew politics and new statesmen. Therefore, they are imperatively necessary:

A) A fundamentally new geostrategic identity of Europe.

An understanding of Europe not as a parceled concession territory and an American state, but as a continental whole, as a single westernmost peninsula of Eurasia with a view in all geographical directions. Bloc dismemberment and external governance for Europe is a road to nowhere. There is no identity without a sovereign!

b) Europe’s insightful essential choice.

Instead of a frozen archaeological museum or mausoleum, the classical world can be ozonized in the form and basis of Greater Eurasia (the economic-political symbiosis of Europe with Asia). Everyone feels that the wind of development points to the East. “One Belt, One Road” is both a beacon and an unprecedented expressway that has room for all continents.

V) Civilization-supported international policy of Europe.

Restoring the main role of the UN, of general international law. Active participation in the development of a new international toolkit for equal world and regional relations. Pan-European foreign policy without an “enemy image”. Multi-vector and non-discriminatory international peace policy.

G) An innovative working mechanism for Europe.

A green light for literate, thinking and heuristic management teams. No admission to the counter of today’s oversaturated casual statesmen and officials. Rejection of suffocating bureaucracy and illogical regulations. Adherence to European traditions and values.

As one of the oldest cultural and historical countries on the continent, the Republic of Bulgaria must bear responsibility and lead a policy for our pan-European peaceful future without mentors and hegemons. To participate in the suppression, not in the instigation, of the armed conflict in the former Ukraine.

AND at the final back to Hamlet and Shakespeare. Europe, in order to survive, should free itself from the tutelage of Claudius, i.e. from US custody. Finally, to understand who is to blame for the European crises, for the European backsliding. Without having to kill the murderer, but simply to become sovereign, free, independent. To understand the truth about himself, to be her!

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