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Europe Needs a ‘CERN for AI’ to Avoid Tech Tunnel Vision

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Artificial Intelligence Act – European Parliament

The AI act was published in the ⁤EU’s ⁤Official Journal on⁣ 12 July 2024. It entered into force in August 2024. Proposal for a regulation ⁣of the European ⁣Parliament and of the Council laying down harmonised rules on artificial intelligence (artificial intelligence⁢ act) and amending certain‍ Union⁤ legislative acts. Committees responsible:

Artificial intelligence – Consilium Research in the Council library

Artificial Intelligence Act – Europa

The European Parliament adopted by ‌523 votes to 46, with 49 abstentions, a legislative resolution on the proposal for ⁣a regulation of ⁣the European‍ Parliament and of the Council on‍ laying down harmonised rules on Artificial Intelligence (Artificial⁤ Intelligence Act) and amending certain Union Legislative Acts.

[Artificial Intelligence Act – Europa](https://oeil.secure.europarl.europa.eu/oeil/en/document-summa…ed ⁣to be followed by national authorities, universities, and research institutions.

Cristina⁣ Russo noted that there is strong political momentum in Europe to act on AI,⁤ both in science and general applications. The upcoming Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) and Horizon europe program are expected to‌ focus on AI-related ‌objectives.

The discussion highlighted the need for substantial funding to compete with initiatives like‌ the US Stargate project and China’s investments in AI. Public-private partnerships⁢ and leveraging seed money were ⁣identified as key strategies to multiply resources​ and achieve ⁤the necessary scale.

When it comes to strategic autonomy, MEP Axel Voss emphasized the need for Europe to play‌ a significant role in AI to ensure digital survival and competitiveness.​ He called for a transformation fund and⁢ strategic projects to activate available resources and attract⁣ private investment.The panel discussed the benefits of a dispersed model‌ for AI research and development, leveraging Europe’s strengths in innovation and collaboration. This approach involves​ coordinating efforts across various institutions and regions, rather than centralizing everything in one location.

They acknowledged the competitive landscape, with the US and China making significant strides in AI.

The provided ‌text discusses various perspectives on the development​ and application‍ of artificial intelligence (AI) in Europe.‌ Here are ⁣the key‍ points summarized:

  1. Thomas Jorgensen’s‍ Outlook:

– Downplayed the existential threat of ‍AI, ​suggesting that concerns are frequently enough exaggerated.
-‌ Emphasized the importance of focusing ​on practical applications and avoiding science fiction scenarios.-⁤ Advocated for a distributed model in AI ⁤research that leverages Europe’s collaborative strengths.
⁤ – Stressed the need to develop a full European ‍AI stack while focusing on practical applications.

  1. Sabine de Mey’s Perspective:

‍ – Highlighted the​ necessity of ⁣translating research into production to⁣ attract⁤ private investment.
– Cautioned against tunnel vision, advocating for the exploration of new AI⁤ paradigms beyond regenerative AI.
– emphasized leveraging Europe’s domain knowledge.

  1. Max⁤ Riddell’s Perspective:

– Noted ‍the lack of‍ leading AI companies focused on⁢ creating ​trustworthy systems.
⁣ ⁣ – Argued‍ that the EU could ⁣fill this gap with significant investment, unlocking breakthroughs in science, the economy, and ⁣general well-being.

  1. Axel Voss’s Perspective:

– Called‍ for a comprehensive strategy to ​address ‍AI infrastructure needs.
⁢ ⁤- Emphasized the importance of viewing AI ‍as a fundamental element for the future.
​ – Stressed the necessity of substantial financial resources to support AI development.

  1. General Consensus:

⁣- The need for a coordinated approach, leveraging public-private partnerships.
​ – Focusing on ⁣both foundational⁤ technologies and applications to ensure⁣ europe’s leadership in AI.
‌ – ⁤A​ call for a ⁤creative and fit-for-purpose approach to AI development in Europe, ⁤leveraging⁤ the continent’s unique strengths.
– Ensuring that AI serves both scientific ‍and societal‍ goals.the⁢ discussion concluded with a ⁤call for a strategic and coordinated effort to develop AI in‌ Europe,emphasizing the importance of practical applications,investment,and leveraging Europe’s strengths.

Interview: Strategizing Europe’s AI Future

senior Editor ‍(SE)

Thank you for joining us today. Can you start by briefly introducing yourself and your⁤ expertise related too ⁤AI ‌development‍ in ‍Europe?

Guest Specialist (GS)

Thank⁢ you for having me. I’m an‍ expert in AI strategic planning and development with a focus on

⁣ European AI innovation. I ⁣have been closely following⁣ teh efforts of⁢ policymakers and industry leaders

‍ ‌ in Europe to ensure that​ the continent remains at the forefront​ of AI ‍research and⁢ implementation.


Could ⁤you elaborate on the lack of leading AI companies focused on creating trustworthy systems, as mentioned by ​that article?


The Europeans have historically been strong in research and ethical considerations,

‍but there is⁢ a notable gap in transitioning‌ these strengths into⁤ commercially viable and trusted AI solutions.

​ ⁣ Elite AI ⁣companies often‌ stem from environments that place less ⁤emphasis on ethical constraints

or social maturity. Europe could capitalize on ⁤this by investing heavily in AI initiatives that

⁢ emphasize transparency, accountability, and fairness.


How can the European Union fill this gap, according to you?


The EU‍ can take a leading role by creating ⁣a extensive framework that⁢ supports AI

applied to various sectors like healthcare,‌ education, and transportation. This⁣ could unlock scientific

breakthroughs, drive economic growth, and improve overall well-being. The EU’s adherence to

⁢ data privacy and protection​ regulations can be a cornerstone of developing trustworthy AI.


Axel voss called for a comprehensive strategy to address AI infrastructure needs. What are

your thoughts on this?


A strategy is indeed crucial. AI ​infrastructure encompasses everything from hardware to algorithms,

⁣ ‍ ​data storage, and ethical governance. by emphasizing the ⁣development of robust AI infrastructures,

Europe can prevent lagging ​behind in⁢ global AI competitions. Such an infrastructure strategy⁣ can streamline

and support⁢ both foundational advancements and ​applied technologies, fostering innovation on⁢ an industrial

⁣ ‌scale.


How do you foresee ample financial resources impacting⁣ the future of AI development in Europe?


The argument for significant financial investment⁣ in AI cannot be understated. Funds can be

directed towards R&D, talent attraction, and⁤ infrastructure‌ upgrades. Investing in AI not only

‌ improves ⁢efficiency but also spurs job creation, making it a pivotal force in economic recovery

⁢ ⁣ and⁢ sustainability.


Moving onto the general consensus emphasized in the discussion, what‍ does a coordinated approach

⁢ to AI⁤ development entail?


A coordinated approach calls for ⁣collaboration between the public and private ⁣sectors.

‌ This partnership ensures alignment between strategic goals and execution plans. It ​leverages various

‍ strengths from both sectors, such as expert human talent from academic realms and business acumen

​ from private enterprises.


Which strengths specifically‍ of Europe are we talking about when we mention leveraging the continent’s ⁢unique strengths?


europe boasts strong fundamentals like ⁢robust data protection laws, technological⁣ innovation,

and dedication to ethical AI development.These factors don’t just attracting global ⁢talent but also

provide a secure and supportive surroundings​ for AI growth. Being a front-runner in privacy standards

⁤ ‍helps Europe distinguish itself as a responsible leader in ⁢AI, setting the standard ‍for other regions.


how do you envision strategic AI‌ development⁣ benefiting both scientific and societal goals?


Effective AI ‍strategies that cater to⁤ scientific goals contribute​ to cutting-edge research

‍ and innovation. These advancements can then be channeled into practical applications that enhance

societal aspects ⁤like healthcare,transport ‍efficiency,and educational opportunities. It’s a dual

⁤ approach that ensures AI progresses beyond mere technological ‍advancements and addresses societal



Thank ‌you for sharing‌ your insights. This has​ been incredibly ​informative for understanding ⁢the

‌ ⁤ landscape ⁤of ⁣AI development⁣ in Europe.


Thank you for having me. It’s been a pleasure discussing ⁢these crucial points.

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