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Europe, historic heat wave imminent; there will also be effects on Italy in the next few days »ILMETEO.it

Weather: Europe, impending historic heatwave; there will also be effects on Italy in the coming days

Anomalous climatic phase expected on the Old Continent, a clear sign of climate change underway

Anomalous phase over Europe, with hot temperaturesSummer 2022 is proving to be among the hottest of all time, with scorching temperatures and record-breaking, not only in Italy. In the next days an unprecedented heat wave will hit a large part of the Old Continent, with effects that are destined to be felt on our country as well.

Let’s start with a duty climatic premise. It is absolutely not a normal heat for the season, but real flare-ups (dangerous for health, as well as for the environment) made even more intense and frequent by climate changes in progress, as amply demonstrated by the scientific community.
Already since May there are periods with temperatures widely above average of the period and the month of June recently concluded it was the second hottest in history, behind only the infamous 2003.

In the coming days the weather conditions could further get worse in this sense. The cause of all this is to be found in a particular synoptic configuration at the continental level: theAfrican anticyclone it is further strengthening in Western Europe, between France and the Iberian Peninsula, drawing hot masses of sub-tropical air directly from the Sahara Desert.
By the weekend it will also reach the British Isles and Germany (plus the whole heart of the Old Continent) causing temperatures that generally occur in North Africa. We are talking about an anomaly of about + 14/15 ° C (as the map shows) compared to what would be expected in these weeks of July.
The heat will therefore become serious again, after a short respite, so much so that it will be possible to locally overcome the 45°C in the South of Spain, with peaks up to 46/47 ° C. Then, between the weekend and the beginning of next week, the anticyclone will move its axis further towards the North East, so much so that a London maximum expectations up to over 30 ° C are expected, as well as a Paris and then also in Germania. In short, no one excluded.

E in Italia what should we expect? Our country will initially remain on the edge of the hot air bubble, being on the eastern edge of the African anticyclonic promontory. From the weekendhowever, the warm North African currents will be able to reach almost all the western sectors of our country, with temperatures destined to undergo a further increase: possible peaks up to 38/40 ° C are Piedmont, Lombardy, Western Emilia, Sardinia and on inland areas of the central Tyrrhenian regions.

Historical heat wave in EuropeHistorical heat wave in Europe

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