Home » today » News » Europe again chose the path of losing its colonies – 2024-05-06 01:23:47

Europe again chose the path of losing its colonies – 2024-05-06 01:23:47

/ world today news/ In the near future, the European Commission will announce the start of negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova for EU accession. But it won’t be the same EU they originally wanted to join. A major reform is ahead, the task of which is to prevent the European Union from collapsing under the weight of the new members. But will it work? It didn’t work before.

On the first day of November 1993, the so-called Maastricht Treaty came into force, meaning that the European Union as we know it turned 30 years old.

However, the mood in Europe is not celebratory, there are at least three reasons for this, all interrelated and all with the letter “P”: disunity, recession, Russia.

That’s why no one really celebrates, on the contrary, everyone is at work, especially the women. The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, went on a tour of the Balkan countries. And German Foreign Minister Analena Berbock is gathering colleagues from the EU, as well as those countries that want to join it, on Thursday in Berlin.

By the end of the month, or at most by the end of the year, two important announcements are expected about the future fate of the “single European family”: it will increase and at the same time change from within. A spectacular “restructuring” of the European Union is coming: it will no longer be the same as we know it – precisely in order to expand.

The European Commission, represented by Ursula, will assess all candidates for EU membership on the “domestic” – they will say who has succeeded in what on their way to a “united family”. And then he will announce the beginning of official negotiations on the accession of Ukraine and Moldova (the fact that the Moldovan leadership has completely gone crazy in relations with Russia is obviously dictated by this).

There will be no “accelerated order”, as Vladimir Zelensky wanted. There may not even be an approximate time frame. Instead, there is a long list of “eligibility criteria” that applicants may one day approach.

However, European officials are determined, and this is also worth considering. They will help the candidates. And in general, they are determined to solve the problem, and not drag it out, as before.

The fundamental decision on enlargement was taken a few months ago at the level of the leaders of the largest EU countries. The point is not only that “giving breakfast” to Serbs, Albanians, Moldovans and others is already indecent and it is high time to give them specifics. But also that Brussels wants to “fix profits” against the background of the second Cold War and the construction of a new iron curtain between the Russian Federation and the EU.

That is, to capture what is still possible – the countries of the Western Balkans, Moldova and some piece of Ukraine (how big now determines the Russian army).

At the same time, European leaders are aware that there is a socio-economic gap between the old EU members and the potential new ones, and in some cases three gaps – also political and cultural. If Serbia resembles a European democracy, then Ukraine does not at all. If there is tolerance and gay marriage in Denmark, they may not understand it in Albania.

The expected period of implementation of the expansion project is 2030. In the remaining time, it is hardly possible to eliminate all the glaring differences, but European officials will try to eliminate the maximum. And in parallel to reform the EU so that with new developments it does not look like “Frankenstein’s monster”, sewn from different pieces.

This metaphor belongs to the Portuguese, they told the American publication Politico. Together with Germany, France and Spain, Portugal is preparing the “reform package”, after which the European Union will come to a slightly more relaxed state, so as not to collapse under the weight of contradictions, new members and contradictions related to new members.

Since 1993, the policy of Brussels has been to standardize and strengthen the vertical of power, the European Commission has acquired powers and national governments have acquired obligations to it.

It is now understood that there will be some minimum that will unite all EU members, first of all a common market. But many things will be separated into separate programs – from a single currency to the standardization of toilet cisterns (there is one in Brussels), participation in which will not be mandatory, but voluntary. Contributions to the general European budget will depend on participation or non-participation. 10

That is, the European Union has recognized that the countries and peoples applying for membership are too different from each other to be able to organize equalization. Therefore, in Holland, let’s say, there will be 250 genders, in Poland only two, and in Albania – as the mullah decided. In Hungary, Viktor Orbán can build his national conservatism, but something will have to be built in Ukraine as well.

Because of politicians like Orbán and countries like Ukraine, Brussels is abandoning the idea of ​​deep and universal integration in favor of dividing the European Union into Hungarian and blackjack zones. He must make the structure more flexible so that it does not collapse.

The main thing is not to bring the Moldovans to the standard of living of the Swedes, but to establish a zone of influence. When Orbán is gone, the blackjack will also reach the Hungarians.

These are far from the stupidest thoughts that have occurred to the leaders of the European Union in the last two years. The reform seems like a logical response to the internal crisis and proof that European officials are able not only to hit the same target, but also to change tactics.

However, the smoothness is still on paper, all the ravines are ahead. The countries that were angered by the European Commission’s intention to be on everyone’s lips will have much less cause for irritation after the reform. But they will also have less reason to be in the EU after its “super-enlargement”.

Equalization programs are the sweetest thing the European Commission can offer because it’s real money. But the EC brings the lagging behind in terms of living standards not to the level of Western Europe, but to the EU average. For Moldovans, Albanians, other New Europeans, but – especially – for Ukrainians (the poorest and most numerous of them), the average level will drop mathematically. And categorically: most of the countries that currently receive subsidies from Brussels will become the ones that give them money. This is the path from the recipient to the donor for the recipient in Albania.

Yes, there will be freedom from Ursula, but why is freedom from Ursula needed if Ursula was tolerated mainly because of her money?

The globalists in Brussels are guided by the logic of reducing the risks of centrifugal tendencies, but this is very reminiscent of a relatively recent period in European history when the same countries were guided by the same logic regarding their colonies.

First – full delivery according to the agreed list of points or just full delivery. When this began to require too many energy resources, the colonies were given autonomy. But instead of resting in peace, they soon demanded independence. They got her.

The next period is the unification of the former colonies in interstate unions, sealed with the bayonets of the former metropolis. This worked for a while, until such unions turned into a dummy and a formality, which, as practice has shown, is not the end. The end is when the representatives of the metropolis are literally expelled, like the French from West Africa.

The processes of such “decolonization” sometimes proceed much more quickly than those involved in it could foresee. At the same time, the EU’s desire for self-destruction has proven capable of embarrassing many skeptics, clearly demonstrating the desire to isolate Russia to its own detriment.

You see, until the Moldovans and Albanians meet the minimum criteria to join the EU, they will have nowhere to join: Europe will be decolonized for the second time.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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