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Euro 2020, also Raspadori among Mancini’s squads | News

As our correspondent Simone Malagutti reports, the Sassuolo striker returns to Coverciano: Politano at risk

Before it was a suspicion, a suggestion, now it is a certainty: Giacomo Raspadori is part of the blue group gathered in Coverciano to prepare the expedition of Euro 2020! After a few days spent in the blue pre-retreat of Forte Village in an attempt to recover from his right thigh injury, the Sassuolo striker had been excluded from the list of 28’s Mancini (to be reduced to 26 by midnight this evening) to make themselves available to the Under 21 team involved in the European Championships against Portugal. But the coach was waiting to see him at work last night to understand his physical conditions and to understand if his characteristics are combined with the national team’s idea of ​​playing: exam passed!

For Mancio Raspadori can be that center forward able to give him something other than Immobile and Belotti and this afternoon he will cross the gates of Coverciano to pursue the European dream. It remains to be seen whether it will enter directly into the list of 26 (with the probable exclusion of Politano), or if he will be ‘aggregated’ to the group as a reserve (until 10 June, the eve of Italy-Turkey, it will be possible to replace any injured players.

See also

Italy, Mancini chooses the 26 for Euro 2020
Euro 2020
Italy, Mancini chooses the 26 for Euro 2020

See also

Euro 2020 squads: the squads of the 24 participating national teams
Euro 2020
Euro 2020 squads: the squads of the 24 participating national teams

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