Home » today » Business » Euribor Records Third Consecutive Day of Decline – May 2024 Forecast and Impact on Variable Mortgages

Euribor Records Third Consecutive Day of Decline – May 2024 Forecast and Impact on Variable Mortgages

The Euribor records the third consecutive day of decline. Down 11 miles respect yesterdaychanged to date -3.647 percent.

The monthly average with four days is mentioned in the 3.68 percent. Lower than a year ago, when the Euribor closed in May 2023 at 3.862 percent.


Also lower than the end of April this year at 3.703 percent. A year ago it did so at 3.757 percent.

The Euribor data for April 2024 will only affect those with a variable mortgage which will be reviewed in May.

The Euribor 2024 will reduce pressure

For an average mortgage (with annual review), the fall in the reference index will mean a reduction in payment of 4.18 euros per month (50.16 euros less per year).which represents a decrease of 0.51 percent.

From XTB they believe that the indicator may stay close to current levels for longer than expected.

The first rate cut by the ECB is on the cards and subsequent cuts may be delayed pending the next steps from the Fed.

Although Lagarde has said that the Fed’s delay does not affect the ECB’s decision, the weakness of the euro could set the pace of the cuts towards the end of the year.


With the first cut in June, experts say we will see a bigger drop. But if there are no further movements after the first cut, the mark will move in an area between 3.50 and 3.75 percent until September.

Euribor Forecast

The Euribor forecast for 2024 made by organizations and other organizations puts it in a range between 2.6 and 3.25 percent, towards the end of the year.

Bankinter and Funcas are the ones seeing higher figures for the end of the year (3.25 and 3.2 percent, respectively).


While Caixabank puts the Euribor at 2.78 percent and Asufin, at 2.6 percent.

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2024-05-07 14:56:31
#Euribor #today #series #sessions

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