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EUR/PLN Exchange Rate: Current and Historical Information

Many prices in Europe depend on what exchange rate the euro currently has. What does it look like today at 7 in the morning? The current (as of August 17, 2023) EUR/PLN exchange rate is PLN 4.4696.

Yesterday’s EUR exchange rate was PLN 4.4692. Therefore, the day-to-day exchange rate is PLN +0.0004. On a weekly basis, the difference is PLN +0.0251.

The euro is the common currency of the European Union countries, but there are also several countries that have adopted it as their national currency and are not members of the EU. The euro was established as a currency to tighten and facilitate economic cooperation within the European Union market. The physical currency of the euro appeared in monetary circulation in 2002, when it began to replace national currencies in the 12 countries of the then EU that decided to adopt it. However, in the first period, since 1999, the euro existed as a virtual currency for accounting and digital settlements. The European Central Bank was established to conduct monetary policy in the euro area. Currently, 20 out of 27 EU countries have decided to change their national currency to the euro. Poland, as a member of the Union, has also committed itself to adopting the common currency, but no decision has been made yet as to when it is to take place. Before the introduction of the new currency in the country, an information campaign should be carried out so that the society could properly prepare for the upcoming changes. The adoption of the euro is a process during which a period of dual circulation of both currencies will apply. During this time, people will be able to familiarize themselves with the new system and get used to its presence and use. About half a year before the introduction of the euro, the state introduces a fixed exchange rate, which will be used to convert all prices of goods, services and benefits.

2023-08-17 07:25:10
#EURPLN #exchange #rate #August

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