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Eucalyptus planting, care and wintering | NDR.de – Guide – Garden

Status: 10/25/2022 15:20

Eucalyptus is native to Australia. However, “Eucalyptus gunnii” also thrives in this country and is also conditionally hardy. What should you consider when it comes to winter care, pruning and storage?

Evergreen eucalyptus is known for its intoxicating scent. In your garden it can be grown both as a tree and as a shrub. For our latitudes, the rustic species “Eucalyptus gunnii”, also known as cider eucalyptus or blue gum, is particularly suitable. You can recognize this eucalyptus by its rounded leaf shape, as well as its bluish-green color. It is available in well-stocked garden and tree shops or on the Internet.

Plant eucalyptus in the garden or in a pot

“Eucalyputs gunnii” withstands temperatures down to minus 15 degrees. For this reason it is possible to plant directly in the garden even in mild regions. If you want to play it safe, though, it’s best to plant eucalyptus in a bucket so you can store it in a sheltered spot in the winter. Eucalyptus is also suitable as a houseplant all year round.

Position in full sun without stagnation of water

South-facing balconies and terraces are ideal for eucalyptus.

In order for the plant to thrive both indoors and outdoors, one thing is especially important – a location in full sun. Otherwise, the eucalyptus will drop its leaves after a short time. The same goes for water stagnation, which must therefore be avoided at all costs. In addition, eucalyptus prefers a rather acidic soil. The special soil is suitable for potted plants Rhododendron or Hydrangeas to get the right pH. Before planting in the pot, it is best to create a drainage layer of expanded clay and make sure there is a sufficiently large drainage hole. In this way, the water can always flow out without the clod drying out completely.

Tip: If you put eucalyptus directly in the garden, you should specifically do it loosen heavy clay soil with some sand and compost before planting.

Caring for eucalyptus: low-limestone water and regular fertilizing

The care required for eucalyptus is quite low if you pay attention to a few things. So it should be watered frequently, especially in hot weather, otherwise it dries quickly. Water low in limestone, for example dal rain barrel. Adding mineral fertilizer or Organic liquid fertilizer once a week will help the plant grow. Due to the intense scent of eucalyptus leaves, plant diseases or pest infestations are very rare. Insects such as mosquitoes also stay away thanks to essential oils.

If you’ve planted eucalyptus in a bucket, only repot it when the bucket is fully rooted. The new planter should be about an inch or two larger in diameter.

The right cut ensures lush growth

A vial of eucalyptus oil surrounded by eucalyptus leaves.  © colourbox Photo: Amy Lv

Good for colds: After cutting, use eucalyptus leaves for an ethereal bath.

Eucalyptus grows rapidly and luxuriantly. It grows in height up to 50 centimeters per year. In the bucket it can grow in total from one to two meters, directly in the bed even from three to five meters, with a maximum width of about one meter. Annual pruning not only determines the shape – bushy or tall – but also encourages growth. Therefore, the branches should be pruned back before they sprout. The perfect time for this is after the March hibernation.

Wintering eucalyptus indoors or in the garden with frost protection

A eucalyptus tree in Australia.  © picture alliance Photo: Paul Mayall

In their home country of Australia, eucalyptus trees get enough sunshine all year round.

Although “Eucalyptus gunnii” is conditionally hardy, persistent sub-zero temperatures can damage it in the long run. Potted plants should therefore be planted from October to Ice Saints can be wintered indoors in mid-May. Eucalyptus needs full sun all year round. For this reason he needs a particularly bright spot even in his winter quarters, for example in the conservatory or in a garage with a large window. The temperature should be consistently between five and ten degrees. Make sure you fertilize eucalyptus every two weeks, even in winter.

Eucalyptus trees and shrubs planted directly in the garden need adequate frost protection. For this purpose, linen bags, fleece or even special winter protection hoods are suitable, which can be found in specialized gardening stores.

Further information

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