THE FIGURE OF THE WEEK. EU countries exported a record amount of 287 billion euros in 2022, compared to 50 billion twenty years ago.
By P.-AD

© Richard Villalon / MAXPPP / BELPRESS/MAXPPP
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SAccording to Eurostat, the countries of the European Union exported in 2022 a record amount of 287 billion euros of pharmaceutical and medical products, against 235 billion euros in 2021 and only 50 billion euros in 2002. They have imported for a value of 112 billion euros, against 100 billion euros in 2021 and 32 billion euros in 2002.
In total, the European Union generated an equally record surplus of 175 billion euros in this sector last year. This has increased tenfold since 2002, when it stood at 18 billion euros.
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Germany is the leading exporter of medical products outside the European Unionwith an amount of 68 billion euros, ahead of Belgium (56 billion euros), Ireland (42 billion d’euros), THE PNetherlands and Italy (each 22 billion euros). The United States is on their side the first destination country for exports of medical products european (33%), ahead of Switzerland (13%), the United Kingdom (7%), China and Japan, each 6%.
5.9% of world trade
Lhe exports of the French pharmaceutical sector amounted to 38.2 billion euros last year, mostly (60 %) to other EU countries. They were up 8.2% compared to 2021, while imports stood at 35.2 billion euros, up 7.7%, generating a surplus of 3 billion.
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Finally, according to data from the WTO pour 2021lhe medical products sector represented 5,9 % of world trade for an amount of $2.654 billion. Europe comes by far in the lead in matter drug exports, with a market share of 77.7%, far ahead of Asia (11%) and North America (10%).
2023-04-27 14:41:18
#Europe #world #leader #medical #products