In 2023, the EU accepted 1.14 million asylum applications, reaching the highest level in seven years, according to a statement from the EU Asylum Agency (EUAA).
Specifically, in 2023, EU+ countries submitted more than 1,140,000 asylum applications, an 18% increase compared to 2022. The country that received the most applications in absolute numbers was Germany (334,000), while in relation to the size of the population, Cyprus with 12,000 applications, received the most pressure.
The largest group of asylum seekers remain Syrians, who in 2023 submitted 181,000 applications, marking an increase of 38% compared to 2022. Followed by Afghans (with 114,000 applications), marking a decrease of 11% compared to 2022. Moreover, a significant an increase of 82% compared to 2022 was recorded by the applications of Turkish nationals (101,000). This is followed by applications from nationals of Venezuela (68,000) and Colombia (63,000).
According to the EUAA, towards the end of 2023 there was an increase in applications from Palestinians. In 2023, the number of applications reached almost 11,600, two-thirds higher than in 2022.
Due to high numbers of asylum applications, the number of cases pending in the first instance increased by 39% in 2023, to 883,000. At the same time, however, EU+ countries are working to provide temporary protection to over 4.4 million Ukrainians who have fled their country since the Russian invasion.
In absolute numbers, in 2023 Germany (334,000) remained the number one destination for asylum seekers in the EU+, receiving almost a third of all applications. France (167,000), Spain (162,000) and Italy (136,000) follow. Combined, these four countries received over two-thirds of all applications last year.
Some nationalities submit most of their applications to a single EU+ country. In 2023, Venezuelans and Colombians submitted more than 80% of their applications in Spain, Egyptians submitted 70% of their applications in Italy, while Afghans, Syrians and Turks submitted most of their applications in Germany.
In proportion to the population, Cyprus, with 12,000 applications, received 1 application per 78 inhabitants. In contrast, Germany received 1 application per 252 inhabitants. Belgium (35,000 applications) and Estonia (4,000) are under similar pressure per inhabitant. Overall, EU+ countries received around one asylum application for every 400 inhabitants in 2023.
In 2023, the recognition rate in EU+ reached 43%, which is the highest level in the last 7 years. In the case of Syrians (recognition rate over 80%) only a quarter of decisions (26%) grant refugee status. However, for Afghans (61% recognition rate), about half of the decisions grant refugee status. Additionally, as of 2019, the recognition rate for Turkish nationals has dropped significantly to 25%.
#million #asylum #applications #Sevenyear #record