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EU gives polluting companies 7.3 billion euros discount | Abroad

In Belgium, 243 companies are responsible for about 40 percent of greenhouse gas emissions. Since 2005, they have therefore been subject to the European emissions trading system: for every tonne of greenhouse gas they emit, they must present an emission allowance. Because the extra cost of the allowances they have to buy can affect their competitive position vis-à-vis companies outside Europe, Europe allocates a large proportion of allowances free of charge.

It now appears that for the period from 2021 to 2025, this will involve 147 million pieces of emission rights that our heavy industry will receive. Converted to the current price per emission allowance or tonne of greenhouse gas of about 50 euros – that price can fluctuate and should increase further – this is about 7.3 billion euros that the companies save. For this year, this concerns 29 million free rights, good for almost one and a half billion euros. Steel company Arcelor leads the way, with 7.5 million free allowances for 2021, followed by BASF (3.6 million), Total (2.4 million) and Exxon (1.4 million).

For Bond Beter Leefmilieu these are “very big gifts”, says expert Tycho Van Hauwaert. “This undermines the ‘polluter pays’ principle. Flanders will also miss billions in auction revenues over the next five years. That is money that does not go to climate actions.” The Federation of Belgian Enterprises (VBO) responds that heavy industry has reduced its emissions by 43 percent over the past sixteen years as a result of the ETS system.

1 thought on “EU gives polluting companies 7.3 billion euros discount | Abroad”

  1. The project, contest, and the paper trail started on Sept 11, 1883, the year the Paris Industrial Property treaty (Intellectual Property) was signed and Mr John Swinton gave his speech about the “independant press” IP. Then on Dec 22 1885 John Swinton New York Times give advice to the reform and the family jewels file is kept on this date hidden until it was time. This was right before (Paris) France delivered the statue of liberty and dedicated 1886 New York. The Plan to come for freedom. On Sept 11th 1941, the pentagon started there constructing there puzzle. See 94 in the fence 1.94.1 thats Sept 4th, which was 7 to 11, Sept 11th. The Plan. On Dec 22nd 1963 The 6.2 Billion Farm Bill and Plan is publically announced and sent to the white house for approval according to the New York Times. 1968 the emergency phone number system 9-1-1 was approved just as they began construction on the twin towers in New York (same year). Dec 22nd 1974, just as the Watergate Investigation wrapped up with Special Counsel John Dean (James Stanley Dean born 4-26-62), the CIA announces a big project that was about to come, again the New York Times. Dec 22nd 1986, after declaring the Champion on his birthday April 26 1986 when they detonated Chernobyl, New York Times reads, World Population foretold at 6.2 Billion set for 2000. Then on April 26th, 2000 International Paper offers 6.2 Billion for Champion, New York Times. The same day Howard Dean signed Vermonts Same Sex Bill and World Intellectual Property Day was declared. That Champions name and birthday is all over that egg that was left. James Stanley Dean April 26th 1962. Mr James Halliday and the real life egg from the movie ready player one. Upon checking International Papers history page they had a program that was launched in 2000 after aquisition of the champion set for New York at the end of 2001. That was 911 of course. Then on Nov 3rd 2000 IP sells off Bush Boake Allen. That was 4 days before that rigged election that happened. They sold the election and rigged it. The contest was face bush boake allen in court, FaceBook, and prove it. So I sued the United States in dec 2020, Face “the nation”, a week later the 6.2 billion club was fenced in on 1621, 62 in the 1fence1. Then i sued the Champion King James and they detonated the Champlain Towers on 6.24. Thats 4.26 reversed the same day Biden announced WE HAVE A DEAL. I also sued Bush Boake Allen, the FBI, sudafed(s), and Robert S. Mueller the guy they appointed to invesitgate the election interference FROM 2000, released on my birthday April 18, 2019. My 31st birthday, 13 to 31 the DMCA (letters 41331) for 13 to 31. Friday the 13th year from my birthday April 18th 1988, the day they started operation praying mantis. Then after 911 they confirmed by operation ptarmigan april 18 2002 in afghanistan. (I stan mr stanley dean or dian) they appointed robert s. Mueller one week before 911. 7 to 11. It was Sept (4), 7to11(18), flights 77and11(88). the other two flights were 175 and 93(268 a toast to the world superpower). The Cover for the Real ID Act, CovID, JoB id’en our president. By the way 4-18-88 added is measure 110, and to subtract is 4-18= 14-88 the code for something. and 14-88 is 74, July 4th and the 17 keys (original factories/weaknesses) to 76, Sam Adams ledger, the 76ers for Miss Americas birthday. The day of the Alpha Piper Disaster, 7-6-88, Chrystal Marie Meyer. The two 5 billion dollars divestures from International Paper whose birthday is featured on the movie back to the future. The instructions were to go back to 1955 with Einstein. Einstein died April 18th 1955 at 76 years old. Our Birthdays, except we werent born in 1955 it was 88 MPH. 62 BILLION, the club + 26 LETTERS, there tools = 88 MPH, there instructions B.L.M. (billion, letters, mph the code for black lives matter solved) – Robert James Swint
    P.S. The great earthquake of San Francisco was April 18th 1906 (thats 7:06 PM military time) the same year as the rise of the Machines the great human race for the cure! The worlds alarm clock for events to unfold


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