BRUSSELS – Raffaele Fitto he was put on the “gridile” at the hearing for his candidacy as commissioner and vice-president of the EU Commission. And it will remain suspended until at least tomorrow. And groups that don’t feel satisfied are even pushing to wait until next week. In particular, the Liberals, Greens, Left and S&D groups underlined his belonging to a political party considered anti-European and neo-fascist. And the FdI votes against were highlighted Ursula von der Leyen and in the last legislature his against the Recovery Fund and in defense of some countries that violated the rule of law. This is why they asked to postpone the vote. And it will most likely be a simultaneous scrutiny of all vice-presidents and also the Hungarian commissioner Varhelyi.
Even if, especially the socialists, they didn’t go too far. Indeed, the representative of the Democratic Party was absolutely soft, also giving the Italian minister the opportunity to recall the collaboration with some former mayors and presidents of the Democratic Party region (from Bonaccini a Expensive).
Fitto’s nomination in Europe divides the Ursula majority
by our correspondent Claudio Tito

The negotiations for his election are still ongoing but above all it seems like a fiction. The PSE only expects a reassurance from Ursula von der Leyen (perhaps a letter) to reiterate that the political majority does not change, without the ECR of Melons. It is no coincidence that Fitto insisted on the idea that his vice-presidency is not linked to the party but to the country. “I want to be clear – he repeated – I am not here to represent a political party. I am not here to represent a Member State. I am here today to affirm my commitment to Europe. I am aware of the requirements imposed on the members of the Commission based on to the treaties and the code of conduct. If confirmed, I will strictly respect them and will always act only in the interests of our Union and our citizens”. Palmisanofrom the liberal Foreskin and by various exponents of the Greens. “It becomes difficult – was his defense – the exercise of extrapolating some declarations from a political debate of a few years ago with the political role that each of us has. I am here today on another issue to represent the European Commission.”
To some parliamentarians who highlighted that in his speech he only referred to his experience in the DC and not to FdI, he replied: “I mentioned the Christian Democrats which was my first party in my long political activity, which is not not short at all, and the experiences have been different because Italy has gone through different phases. I have not indicated all my other political experiences but as I said in my initial speech, I am also here because my government led by Giorgia Meloni proposed me. I am honored by this and I am I underline.” “If I give you the idea of a fascist – he then replied to a Green MP – you can decide, it seems to me that these are themes and topics that are very far from any real hypothesis, it’s a suggestion that I honestly can’t even make. to grasp”.
The socialists therefore asked to postpone the decision. There is an attempt by Renew to close out the game today. But he is considered dangerous by the EPP which fears the opposition of its Spanish delegation to vice-president Ribera. And even the willingness of the AfD neo-Nazis to support Fitto could now become an obstacle to completing the negotiation.
In fact, any stop to the procedure risks excessively lengthening the time it takes to establish the new commission. Giorgia Meloni, for example, warned that she would not accept a downgrading of Fitto and would not allow the birth of “Ursula bis” in that case. And he is brandishing the same threat Orbán with Varhelyi. The game of joints and crossed vetoes will lead to leaving everything as it is. With only one variable: time.
Meanwhile, in the afternoon, a signal arrives from the Brothers of Italy through the head of the delegation in Brussels, Carlo Fidanzawho announces the vote in favor of Ursula von der Leyen: “On the vote for the new EU Commission – he states – exactly as it was 5 years ago the various national delegations of the Ecr group will independently evaluate how to express themselves, the delegation of Fratelli d’Italia will be in favour” .
The premier will be held in the evening Giorgia Meloni expresses disappointment and attacks the Democratic Party: “I find it inconceivable that some members of the Democratic Party are now asking to remove the executive vice-presidency of the European Commission from the designated Italian commissioner.” Meloni calls Elly Schlein into question: “I would like to know from the secretary of the Democratic Party if this is her official position: to deprive Italy of a top position to prevent it from having a greater influence on key sectors such as agriculture, fishing, tourism, transport and infrastructure strategic. Is it possible that he prefers to put his own party ahead of the collective interest?”.
#decision #Fitto #postponed #Meloni #inconceivable #FdI #announces #Von #der #Leyen