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EU – Brexit trade pact: companies hardly have any time – politics

London / Brussels (dpa) – After the agreement between Brussels and London on a trade and cooperation agreement for the time after the Brexit transition phase, further details from the agreement are being impatiently awaited.

Both sides published summaries of the more than 1200-page text of the treaty. The British Prime Minister Boris Johnson had even recommended the treaty as a Christmas reading to his compatriots in his usual witty manner, but the agreement was a long time coming.

It is doubtful that he read it himself, because he said there would be no non-tariff trade barriers. This is exactly what companies on both sides of the English Channel have to prepare for within a few days. This means, for example, different standards for product safety and food safety. The rules are still the same on both sides, but British companies will still have to prove compliance with European standards in the future.

Customs formalities would also have to be complied with from January 2021, according to a message from Germany Trade and Invest (GTAI), a state-owned company that provides information on foreign markets, among other things. Since Great Britain is leaving the internal market and the customs union, a new customs border will actually come into force, said Stefanie Eich, customs expert at GTAI. In the case of goods from the EU intended for the British market, it must be proven in future that they actually come from the EU. “The rules of origin for individual goods are stipulated in the agreement. Compliance with these must be proven accordingly,” says the expert.

Great Britain also waited impatiently for the text of the contract to be published. “Companies will study the details immediately as soon as they can,” said Tony Danker, director general of the British Confederation of British Industry, after the breakthrough was announced.

On Christmas Eve, London and Brussels announced a breakthrough in talks on a joint trade pact for the time after the Brexit transition phase. At the turn of the year, the United Kingdom finally leaves the structures of the European Union after almost 40 years of membership. The worst consequences of the divorce are thus averted.

On the European side, there is not enough time until December 31 to ratify the treaty. It should initially come into force provisionally. The British Parliament is due to wave through a law on December 30th to make the agreement effective.

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