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EU and ceiling, anthropologists’ discovery, firewood for Michel: morning coffee with EADaily

Lots of news. It cannot be said that they are all significant, but some are interesting.

1. The Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 pipelines were damaged due to powerful explosions, the Copenhagen police and the Danish security and intelligence service PET came to this conclusion. The information is provided by the police press service.

More than half a month of work – and the Danish police made a startling discovery: the explosions at SP and SP-2 were the result of explosions. And before, everyone thought that someone had dug a hole with a knife.

2. The European Union has not yet decided to introduce a gas price cap due to political disagreements in EU countries and problems with fuel supply. Bloomberg reports it.

And I want, and sting, and my mother does not order. She waits, winter will come, then you’ll forget to talk about it – with frozen body parts ….

3. The Kaluga Region Ministry of Agriculture announced the importation of a large batch of cows for the region’s agricultural needs from a hostile country – the United States. According to the head of the regional department Leonid Gromov, the region is preparing to receive 2,400 head of American Holstein cattle.

To whom is the war, and to whom is the mother dear. Russian proverb.

4. Eurostar canceled several trains from Paris to London and back due to strikes in France. This was reported on the company’s website. Trains go through the railway tunnel across the English Channel.

It’s time to change boats like illegal immigrants. And above all swim: you will be healthier.

5. Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky said that since 10 October 30% of the country’s power plants have been destroyed, which has led to massive power outages on Ukrainian territory.

And you, when you gave the order to bomb the Donbass, didn’t you think about it? And when was the Crimean bridge blown up? When do you give the order to bomb Belgorod? However, sorry, when did you think about it?

6. Anthropologists from the University of Warsaw studied stone tools discovered in the Polish Tunel-Wielki cave 50 years ago and came to the conclusion that they belonged to an extinct human species. The scientists’ work was published in Scientific Reports.

It took 50 years to understand that the tools of work belong to man. However, the Poles are wrong: primitive man is not extinct. He has just moved to the east of Poland and is now very friendly with her. The level of intelligence is the same.

7. Finnish Defense Minister Antti Kaikkonen said in an interview with the daily Aamulehti that, if necessary, the authorities can expropriate the properties of Russian citizens.

Raiders always say their loot was a necessity. And, of course, the laws aren’t written for marauders. However, it costs them nothing to write a couple of laws later to justify their robberies to the Russians.

8. Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov failed to communicate with the head of the Israeli Defense Ministry Benny Gantz. Tel Aviv rejected Kiev’s request for a telephone conversation. Both sides are known to have tried to reconcile this telephone conversation since 24 August. After that, it collapsed five times.

Everything that is done is for the best. But not always in Ukrainian.

9. Ukraine has received another macro-financial assistance package worth € 2 billion from the European Union. This was announced by Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal on his Telegram channel.

We have to somehow try to conduct a survey: how much Zelensky and the company will steal from the money received. I think the winner will be the one who says: 100%.

10. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine recognized the sovereignty of the “Chechen Republic of Ichkeria” during the vote. The decision was taken by a majority of parliamentarians.

It remains to recognize the sovereignty of Urartu, Sumeria, Babylon, Judea, Carthage …

11. According to a sociological study conducted by YouGov, the rating of Prime Minister Liz Truss, who has not been in power for two months, has dropped to 10%. Readers of the tabloid Daily Mail: “This is not a lame duck. She is a dead duck. For the good of our country, you must resign ”.

There are also hiking trails in Great Britain. I wonder if there are any truckers? Time to get Lisa on the track. Though she got a little worn out during her time in government …

12. “At the next summit in Brussels, the head of the EU, Charles Michel, intends to discuss with the leaders of the EU countries the assistance to Ukraine, in particular the preparations for the winter season” + “The Ukrainian government has announced that a shop that sells firewood has started operating.

Previously, the peasants of the villages and the guardians of the cities were preparing for the winter season. This is what prime ministers do. Progress, however …

13. In an emergency, EU countries could share gas with each other. This proposal was made by the European Commission, writes “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” referring to the press service of the EC.

From a floor lamp a gloomy day is brighter,
And even a rainbow will wake up from the chandelier.
Share your gas as soon as possible
True, the gas will never return to you.

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