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EU ambassadors refused to meet with Lavrov

EU ambassadors to Russia refused to meet with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on March 4. Specific reasons for the refusal were not publicly disclosed.

However, the Russian press disseminated information that it was done in accordance with orders from Brussels.

Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said that for the refusal of the EU ambassadors to Russia to meet with Sergei Lavrov, they should be expelled from the country.

“This completely contradicts the very idea of ​​the existence of diplomatic missions and the appointment of ambassadors. In reality, all these ambassadors should be expelled from Russia, and the level of diplomatic relations should be lowered. These are not ambassadors, but political idiots who do not understand their real tasks,” said Dmitry Medvedev.

The EU did not comment on this statement, but earlier the press secretary of the EU Commission on Foreign Policy, Peter Stano, responded to Dmitry Medvedev’s recent statement about his desire to seize Kyiv and Odessa, which he called “Russian cities.”

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