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Etienne, a thriving family business

The Etienne company (SARL) of buildings and public works of Gerbamont, thrives and remains very present in this unprecedented sanitary period which could alter its activity. The movements of its 35 employees and its numerous vehicles are still as frequent as ever and can be observed in particular at the start and end of the day on the Gerbamont site.

Its recent history. – Created by Marcel Etienne in 1970, this company is managed today by his two sons, Jérôme, the elder and Damien. Sandrine, his daughter, is an administrative employee. It was in 2006 that this business became a family business.

Its organization is reflected in several areas of activity which are: the quarry which is located on the site of the company’s headquarters. Three employees and Damien, the sector manager, are working on the production site of various rock materials.

Construction and public works employ 28 workers, 8 of whom are specialized in masonry.

A mechanic is responsible for monitoring and maintaining the nine dump trucks, five tractors as well as twelve trailers and tank carriers.

On the operating site. – The site which includes the quarry represents an area of ​​7 hectares. A large part is occupied by all the mechanization and crushers allowing the production of aggregates of all sizes.

A recycling zone for reinforced concrete for demolition is of great interest to see it transformed into aggregates which will then be exploited in the construction of roads or platforms. The iron that is extracted from it is diverted by special machines and then resold.

The deposit of topsoil of a volume approaching that of a slag heap, is required on the site while waiting to be resold for landscaping purposes.

Marketing. – The sale of rock products is aimed at communities, businesses and individuals.

The current remarkable action is to have won the call for tenders for the construction contract for an educational kitchen and bakery at Toul prison for an amount set at € 1,200,000.

Jérôme Etienne remains determined to carry out the fiftieth anniversary celebration of the creation of the company, which could not be held last year. The appointment is fixed in his memory on a date not yet determined.

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