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Ethereum Launches Major ‘Test Merge’ Within 48 Hours » Crypto Insiders

Make it into a blog paste ethereum (ETH) core developers known that a new important phase of the testing process of the so-called merge will take place. In this new test, Ethereum’s Ropsten testnet will switch from proof-of-work (PoW) to Proof-of-stake (PoS).

Test merge Ethereum

While the exact time when the merge will take place on the Ropsten testnet is still unknown, it most likely will be happen sometime tomorrow† This test on the Ropsten testnet, the oldest testnet on the Ethereum network, is one of the most important before the merge can also take place on the mainnet of the network.

So the main purpose for the merge on Ropsten is to act as a dress rehearsal for the big mainnet merge, hopefully sometime later this year. Ethereum developers have performed similar test merges before, including on the Kiln testnet and through a shadow fork from the main net.

This week’s test will take Ropsten’s two chains, one proof-of-work and the other being the proof-of-stake beacon chain, and put their code together. This is the same process that the Ethereum mainnet merge will go through later. From then on, Ethereum will officially launch a proof-of-stake blockchain to be.

Should the Ropsten test merge go well, and if no major problems are encountered, two more test merges will be compared on other Ethereum testnets. All with the aim of launching the big Ethereum merge sometime this year.

Ethereum merge

This merge, formerly known as Ethereum 2.0, will bring major changes to the network. As mentioned before, Ethereum will be a proof-of-stake network from then on. This brings great advantages. For example, the energy consumption of the network will plummet. Today, when the climate debate is at the forefront of political debate, this is an important step in the right direction.

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