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Eternal Rustle: Elīna Ruka’s Exhibition Showcases Stories of Sailors’ Wives

Elīna Ruka is a certified art photographer, but in her works, the photography artist uses more than a medium from which art is created. For a long time, Elina’s artwork has been dominated by the theme of the sea. This time, the lives and stories of sailors’ wives served as a source of inspiration.

Once it seemed like something only historical, but even today there are women who are still wives of sailors. And there are a lot of all kinds of stories and interesting things. About how these couples live, about how it was before, about how it is today. How much contact or communication there is. How the time passes when they are gone, left and when they are back again. They became more reflections on what the emotional life of contact is like,” says the artist.

Along with seascapes embroidered with silk threads, the exhibition also includes knitwear made by Baiba Dambe.

Elīna Ruka adds: “Knitting was one of the activities that sailors’ wives often did while living at home. What is interesting is that the sailors themselves also created works of art during their long journeys. In knitting, all the emotions that are present at that moment are put out and put inside. have got.”

Elina Ruka’s exhibition “Eternal rustle” will be on view at the Bulduri Exhibition House until March.


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2024-01-05 17:43:54

#Embroidered #stories #sailors #wives #Elīna #Ruks #exhibition #Eternal #rustle

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