Home » today » World » Estonia is outraged by Biden’s plan to meet NATO with Russia: “If this is not Munich, then what? – news from Ukraine, World

Estonia is outraged by Biden’s plan to meet NATO with Russia: “If this is not Munich, then what? – news from Ukraine, World


In the Estonian Riigikogu (parliament), the head of the foreign affairs committee, Marko Mihkelson, called the idea of ​​the US president “an unpleasant and bad surprise” Joe Biden invite Russian representatives to the talks with NATO allies. He wrote about this on Facebook.

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“Especially the fact that President Biden after meeting With Putin decided to convene the leaders of Germany, France, Italy and Great Britain in order to discuss with Russia the reduction of tensions “on the eastern front,” he was indignant.

The parliamentarian asked a rhetorical question: “If this is not the spirit of Munich, then what?”

REFERENCE… The deputy is referring to the Munich agreement of 1938 between the leaders of Germany, Britain, France and Italy that Czechoslovakia should give the border Sudetenland to the Germans. This agreement is also called “collusion”.

The MP from the Reform Party believes that Estonia and other members of NATO’s eastern wing should immediately make every effort to prevent such a meeting.

And if this does not yield results, Mihkelson says, it is necessary to expand the circle of participants in the meeting “to include the countries of NATO’s eastern wing.”

  • In the White House after negotiations Biden-Putin announced on December 7 that the first made it clear to the head of the Russian Federation: The United States and its allies will respond with sanctions and other measures in the event of a new Russian invasion of Ukraine.
  • Putin on December 8 statedthat Biden suggested that he create a structure that would deal with issues of global security.
  • The White House said that after the talks, the American leader discussed the situation with the leaders of Britain, Germany, Italy and France. He wants to organize negotiations “at the highest level” between these allies in the Alliance and Moscow.
  • The Russian Foreign Ministry said that don’t know anything about Biden’s plan.

Read also: The Kremlin has published its version of the results of Biden’s negotiations with Putin

Eugene Pilipenko

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