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Estadens in turmoil, another aerial story – La fracture du regard!

Estadens in turmoil, another aerial story – La fracture du regard!

On the crest line visible from neighboring municipalities, March 12 of this year The assembly of the sections of a 42m pylon is completed. It was dumbfounded and very angry that the residents discovered the project of this erection of technological furniture outrageous to the sublime beauty of the landscape when the work started in November 2020, after the file was submitted to the town hall on August 4, 2020 , while there was no consultation with the population beforehand. ” Discreetly a display of preliminary work did exist, but hidden from view, set back from the passage, appearing discreetly, like a form of legal joker in the event! ».

Bis repeated ; after Encausse, Rouède, Ardiège, Marignac, Cepx, a non-exhaustive list of the impacts of this technological furniture which more and more locals outrageous. The justification of these antennas according to the operator SFR would be to promote better coverage for Internet connections? However, Madame Marie-Paule Demiguel, deputy district prefect informed of its written approach to request the withdrawal of the antenna planned in the town of Encausse-les-Thermes, for SFR. The operator has been notified and is awaiting a national response.

The very high speed fixed and mobile connection is a major issue for the operator SFR. The offer is aimed at companies, individuals, as well as local authorities. Obviously, in the observation of the fracture of the view generated by this building with regard to the landscape of the Pyrenees commingeoises, the inhabitants do not seem at all to share the urgency of this virtual service offer.

A collective was formed: CAPmobilization31 ([email protected]). He asks for a departmental consultation body for this mediation concerning the existing radio installation of the municipality of Estadens, for the damage on the damage to the natural landscape. This approach is addressed to the Prefecture of Haute Garonne by the reason of the damage to the natural landscape. In this process, he refers to paragraph 2.2.3 taken from the PLU (Local Urban Plan) of the municipality of Estadens: « The landscape is marked by relief and land use. The assets of the Municipality concern the alluvial valleys which are green settings and plateaus, on the upper parts, making it possible to create cones of view on Mont Cagire, the ecological wealth encountered, the traditional architectural heritage and the historical heritage ».

The members of the collective declare : « We know that this antenna will evolve towards 5G, the public utility of which is very widely questionable. We are more and more people to be satisfied with a basic connection with limited speed but sufficient for essential IT tasks, teleworking and to respond to the tendency to dematerialize the administrative procedures that are imposed on us. ».

5G and the green transition ; « It is not part of the transition green as we would like us to believe, but indeed towards the same tendency of Sell ​​more and consume more energy in a world of finite resources which requires urgent ‘concrete action ».

The collective recalls in its remarks the content of the Citizen’s Convention on the questioning imposed by the technological choice of 5G.

Citation : « Baudelaire’s genius was to take the measure of the great battle that modernity was preparing to wage with beauty, risking lasting ruin. “. Henri scepi

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