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Espalion: the thwarted history of the old railway line

It is one of the popular places for outdoor walks during this very special period.

After its declaration of public utility promulgated on June 24, 1897, the construction of the Espalion-Bertholène railway line which began in 1898 marks the service of the last district of France connected by rail. Twenty-two kilometers long, the main difficulties are to be found in the winding course between Bozouls and Espalion.

This descent will require no less than five viaducts, a bridge and six tunnels, including that of Biounac, nearly six hundred meters long.

The works of art will be completed in 1904 but it will take another four years to build the stations, build the ballast and finally lay the track.

It is on June 28, 1908 that the line will be inaugurated under the chairmanship of the Under-Secretary of State for Posts and Telegraphs with the first train which will enter Espalion station with all the pomp required by this important event: reception at the sub-prefecture, official speeches, sumptuous banquet, etc …

Undoubtedly, this line had many economic advantages both for the exploitation of the Cruéjouls mines and for the export of livestock or forestry activities as well as for agricultural supplies. Without forgetting the passenger traffic with even special trains to the capital for the Aveyronnais of Paris.

An inexorable decline

Unfortunately, this line will never overtake Espalion. Plans to continue the track to Aurillac or Saint-Flour were initially delayed by the 1914-1918 war and then definitively ruined as much by the crisis of 1929 as by competition from road transport.

Espalion will remain a railway “cul-de-sac”, which will condemn the line more or less soon.

The main effect of the nationalization of the railways will be to cause the closure of the deficit lines.

On December 5, 1938, at 4 p.m., the last passenger train left the station plateau without return.

Temporarily reactivated during the Second World War, this line continued its career with the daily service of a small freight train until its final closure in 1983. The various buildings will be sold to municipalities or individuals, the plots of land supporting the railway line to the four municipalities concerned.

The removal of the rails and ties in 1995 will give way to the current greenway which is of undeniable tourist interest and is a delight for hikers and cyclists.

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