Home » today » Business » Esemka has been invited to join Gaikindo, but has never responded

Esemka has been invited to join Gaikindo, but has never responded


Esemka It’s been almost four years in Indonesia. The local car brand was inaugurated by President Jokowi in Boyolali, Central Java in mid-2019. However, until now, Esemka has not become part of the Association of Indonesian Automotive Industries (Gaikindo).

The general chairman or Ketum of Gaikindo, Yohannes Nangoi, admitted that he had persuaded and invited Esemka to join the association. However, this invitation never received a response.

“We have approached (approached) Esemka to become members, it’s been a long time. But there has been no positive response from them to become members of Gaikindo,” said Yohannes Nangoi in Central Jakarta, as quoted from CNN IndonesiaFriday (3/3/2023).

Esemka’s booth at IIMS 2023 Photo: Luthfi Anshori/detikOto

Nangoi did not explain in detail when his party approached Esemka. However, one thing is clear, Gaikindo is open if they really want to be part of the association.

Considering that currently Esemka has not joined Gaikindo, Nangoi is reluctant to comment much about the brand, which currently only has these two products. He also admitted that he did not have much information about Esemka.

“Esemka… well I don’t understand, there are too many because frankly (they) are not members of Gaikindo. I don’t understand,” said Nangoi.

detikOto had asked the Esemka representative about the reason for not joining Gaikindo. However, they still seemed minimal talk.

“Yes, not yet. Not yet (joining Gaikindo),” was the short response from Esemka President Director Eddy Wirajaya when asked by detikOto about the possibility of joining Gaikindo.

Esemka’s boss, Eddy Wirajaya. Photo: Septian Farhan Nurhuda / detik.com

Esemka Absent at the JAW 2023 Exhibition

Even though it had ‘thrilled’ the stage at the Indonesia International Motor Show or IIMS 2023, Esemka was confirmed to be absent at the Gaikindo Jakarta Auto Week or JAW 2023 exhibition.

According to Nangoi, his party is prioritizing Gaikindo members. However, if there are brands outside the association, such as Esemka, who want to join, his party admits that they will not close their doors.

“We also offer it to members first. If Esemka is interested, we will offer it too,” he said.

Watch VideoBecoming the Prima Donna at IIMS 2023, How Much Did Esemka Sell?


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