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Escherichia coli on the Riviera Romagnola, bans lifted – Corriere.it

from Online Editorial

Values ​​returned to the norm: the Region revoked the halt to bathing in the 22 beaches that were polluted. The concentration of bacteria dropped from 500 per cubic meter to 20-30

The parameters of the bacterium Escherichia Coli in the sea of ​​the Emilia-Romagna coast they are within the limits at all points where anomalies had been recorded. This was announced byregional councilor for the environment, Irene Priolo, in a press conference on the subject. The ordinances of the mayors of the localities are expected shortly (in all 22) where abnormal bacterial values ​​were found.

The concentration of bacteria dramatically decreased within 24 hours: the maximum threshold of attention set at 500 (limit exceeded in recent days and which had led to the issue of bans) while the last sample recorded values between 20 and 30 with a single tip at 110. It is striking that the surge in pollution and its equally rapid descent took place in a very long stretch of the Adriatic coast, which goes from the province of Ferrara to the border with the Marche.

According to the technicians, the hypotheses to explain the anomalous results of the sampling carried out on Tuesday 26 July are currently attributable to a set of meteorological, hydrological and marine conditions totally exceptional for Romagna: the water temperature has been very high for several weeks, with values ​​oscillating around 30; the prolonged absence of ventilation, lo scarce exchange of water, the lack of dilution of the inputs in the watercourses that reach the sea, due to the strong drought of this period. All elements, these, which, if added together, could have had a particularly impactful effect on the composition of the sea waters.

To be evaluated i repercussions on the tourist season. If on the one hand the Corsini tourism councilor said that he was not aware of cancellations by coienti, on the other the Federalberghi of Romagna speaks of incalculable damage following the bathing bans, adding that the renunciations by tourists are coming.

For the future I would not be worried at all, commented the regional councilor for the environment Irene Priolo. Even if episodes like these we cannot absolutely exclude that they do not recur. The next samplings of Arpae, the councilor announced, will be carried out on August 22.

(article being updated)


July 29, 2022 (change July 29, 2022 | 15:45)

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