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escape in shock? – Free Daily

Two incorrect assumptions behind the investigation into the death of Viviana Parisi and the disappearance of his son Gioele Mondello. As reported the print, the Public Prosecutor took note of two truths not previously considered: the woman managed with the child still alive in her arms, to enter the forest on the mountain side simply by climbing over the A20 Messina-Palermo motorway guardrail. Until the key witness showed up at the Prosecutor’s Office, the woman was thought to have fled to the sea side and the first searches were concentrated there. Second assumption: the “lightness” of the car accident in the tunnel that triggered the drama.

The incident was more serious than initially stated. “The Opel Corsa driven by Viviana Parisi traveled to 100 kilometers per hour: hit a van, the car swerved e it overturned at least twice, has a shattered window and a exploded tire. “We felt a braking, then it hit us on the driver’s side,” explained one of the workers in the van to Who has seen?. The accident may have actually upset Viviana, already psychologically fragile. Not surprisingly, as confirmed by the prosecutor Cavallo, “after the accident was agitated and afraid“. It is possible that in shock from the trauma and frightened by the possible injuries sustained by Joel, she decided in a panic to flee. What happened at that point, fatality,” unfortunate “encounter with a third man or murder-suicide, is still a mystery.

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