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Escape game, exhibitions, tree climbing … Our ideas for going out on Sunday in Paris and Ile-de-France

8:00 a.m., March 6, 2021

It’s official: Ile-de-France will not be confined this weekend. To steal moments of freedom while respecting barrier gestures, we escape into the fresh air. We visit an exotic garden, we play Tarzan in the trees and we ski in the countryside. Street-art, contemporary African art, children’s illustrations … things are also moving on the exhibition side, in the open air or in galleries.

The epidemic is worsening in Ile-de-France and the region has been placed under “enhanced surveillance”: be careful and take care of yourself! In this context, the events are likely to be canceled at any time.

Our 10 ideas for going out in Paris

1st – In the artists’ studio

Exposition – Until Sunday evening, 59 Rivoli turns into a “living exhibition”: the artists of the collective set up their easels and drawing boards in the gallery. The opportunity to exchange with them and admire them in the midst of creation.

Or? 59 Rivoli, M ° Châtelet. Price: free. Practical information: from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. 59rivoli.org

3e – Patchwork de street art

Exposition – To introduce you to urban art, head to the Art Jingle gallery. The funny “Chas” of Chanoir, the rebellious muses of Miss.Tic, the paintings-like sculptures of Costa and other works of renowned street artists are gathered there.

Or? Art Jingle Gallery, M ° Saint-Paul. Price: free. Practical information: from 2 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. artjingle.com

4th – Art in resistance

(Courtesy Afikaris)

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