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Escalation in Russian Tactical Nuclear Weapons Situation According to Defense Minister – Politics – News Bg

Despite the provision of ammunition and weapons to Ukraine, the conflict is not abating, but deepening. What is happening is a move to more advanced positions of nuclear weapons, which in no way leads to a resolution of the conflict. On the contrary, it deepens it. The situation is escalating. My personal assessment is that there is currently no threat from its use. This is how Defense Minister Dimitar Stoyanov commented on the news that Russia will deploy tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus.

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“In the contract it is clearly written how the Ministry of Defense is involved. We provide this ammunition, ammunition to the Defense Ministry, according to a decision of the National Assembly on providing support to Ukraine. In this decision it is clearly written that the ammunition from the Bulgarian Army, which expire. That is what we have done. We have given the ammunition to a public enterprise such as VMZ. Where they will go after that, I cannot tell you. It is up to the companies themselves with whom and how they will trade, but within the legal framework. There is no way to provide armaments without permission from the commission, which is under the Ministry of Economy,” he also said.

Before his brief statement, Stoyanov and the CEO of “Bulgarian Posts” Philip Alexiev launched a postal-philatelic edition dedicated to 110 years of the Balkan Wars (1912 – 1913).

Minister Stoyanov will validate a postage stamp for the 110th anniversary of the Balkan Wars

“With the establishment of the National Initiative Committee for the celebration of 110 years of the Balkan Wars, the tradition built over the years of celebrating significant anniversaries of the Bulgarian military history was continued. Emphasizing the participation of the Bulgarian Army in the Balkan Wars, the feat and sacrifice of the Bulgarian soldiers in the struggle for national liberation and unification of the homeland, the National Committee contributes to the popularization of the Bulgarian military glory, written in golden letters in the pages of the world military annals”, noted the Minister of Defense.

The postal-philatelic edition consists of a postage stamp in a block and a special postage stamp. The event is part of the program of the National Initiative Committee to mark the 110th anniversary of the Balkan Wars, chaired by the Minister of Defense.

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Russian invasion of Ukraine

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