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ESA postpones first launch of Ariane 6 rocket until ‘sometime in 2023’ – IT Pro – News

The European Space Agency ESA does not expect to launch the Ariane 6 rocket in 2022. ESA now thinks it will only be able to do this sometime in the next year. The Ariane 6 rocket is to succeed the Ariane 5 and the Russian Soyuz rockets.

ESA’s Director General Josef Aschbacher says to the BBC that the Ariane 6 rocket will be launched for the first time next year. In the conversation, he does not indicate why the launch will only take place then. He also does not provide details on when in 2023 he expects the rocket to be launched.

It is not the first time that the Ariane 6 has been delayed. In 2020, ESA said the missile for the first time in 2022 would be launched. On ESA’s site is still talking about the second quarter of 2022. ESA said it would have to postpone the launch in 2020, due to the various lockdowns. There were also technical problems, including with the cryogenic arm that connects the rocket to the launch pad.

The Ariane 6 missile has become extra important to ESA since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Since that invasion, the Soyuz missile can no longer be used for European purposes, while it was counted on. The feasibility of certain missions, such as the European rover mission to Marsdepends on how fast ESA can get the Ariane 6 launched.

ESA is working on two specifications for the Ariane 6 rocket. The Ariane 62 gets two boosters and can hold 4.5 to 5 tons geostationary transfer orbit bring. This orbit is mainly used for satellites. The Ariane 64 will get four boosters and can bring 11.5 tons into the GTO track. ESA wants to use the 62 rocket as a replacement for the Soyuz rocket; the 64 version is the successor to the Ariane 5.

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