Aue (dpa) – After the 1-0 away win against the SC Freiburg reserves, Erzgebirge Aue is tackling the next tasks with a lot of self-confidence and motivation. “It was extremely important to win today because we have a very difficult game ahead of us. It was important for morale,” said Aue coach Pavel Dotchev at MagentaSport.
Winning goalscorer Erik Majetschak said: “We are extremely happy that we were able to score three points again after the negative series.” This self-confidence is particularly important as the Violets have two games coming up in the next five days. On Tuesday, the third division soccer team will play in the Saxony Cup against BSG Stahl Riesa (1 p.m./MDR) and on Friday evening in the league against SC Verl (7 p.m./MagentaSport). Especially in such a tight third division, this will be an important game for Erzgebirge Aue.
Erik Majetschak sees the challenge as positive: “The program is pretty tough. Everything is very tightly scheduled, but we also have two opportunities to score points.”
Even after the 13th matchday, nobody wants to talk about promotion to the second league on Auer’s side. As managing director Matthias Heidrich explained, promotion doesn’t have to be necessary. Of course, they want to “achieve proper results” in order to stay at the top, emphasized Heidrich.
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