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Ernst von Siemens music award for violist Tabea Zimmermann | NDR.de – culture

Status: 06/15/2021 00:01 AM

Tabea Zimmermann received the Ernst von Siemens Music Prize 2020 today. This is the first time that the prize, endowed with 250,000 euros, has gone to a violist.

The Bavarian Academy of Fine Arts was the last German to have 2015 Christoph Eschenbach with the Ernst von Siemens Music Prize appreciated.

Zimmermann was born in Lahr in the Black Forest in 1966. She started making music at the age of three. Because the other string instruments at home were already taken to their siblings, “only” the viola was left for them. You could say today: a stroke of luck. Because for many years she has been one of the leading musicians on this instrument. She wanted to invest the prize money in promoting young musicians and music projects, she said in an interview with NDR Kultur.

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9 Min

NDR culture presenter Raliza Nikolov spoke to violist Tabea Zimmermann about the award. Hear the conversation in full here. 9 min

The native of Baden-Württemberg stands for incorruptible music-making, for an authentic, personal attitude, not shy of speaking out unpleasant truths about the company or contradicting its apparently inherent laws. According to the foundation, she is an artist who directs all energy to get to the core of a musical work.

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Tabea Zimmermann © Marco Borggreve

36 Min

Tabea Zimmermann actually owes it to a coincidence that she came to the viola. Today she is one of the leading viola players. 2019 was a guest in NDR Kultur à la carte. 36 min

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