Home » today » Business » Ernst Kuipers intends to succeed Hugo de Jonge as corona minister

Ernst Kuipers intends to succeed Hugo de Jonge as corona minister

Kuipers is currently chairman of the National Acute Care Network. In that position, he is responsible for the distribution of corona patients in hospitals.

De Jonge will therefore not return as corona minister. The CDA member will get a new ministry: De Jonge will be the new Minister of Housing.

The new Rutte IV cabinet will be on the platform on January 10. The party of Mark Rutte (VVD) provides the most posts. In addition to the prime minister, the VVD supplies seven more ministers.

Dilan Yeşilgöz-Zegerius will become Minister of Justice and Security in the new cabinet. Party chairman Christianne van der Wal, senator Micky Adriaansens and Dennis Wiersma will also be ministers. Mark Harbers will also return to the fourth Rutte cabinet. He will become Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management.

New faces

New faces on behalf of the VVD are MEP Liesje Schreinemacher as Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation and health care director Conny Helder who will become Minister for Long-term Care.

Jetten new climate minister

D66 is the second party to bring in crucial ministries. Rob Jetten leaves the House of Representatives and becomes Minister for Climate and Energy. This morning RTL Nieuws reported that Sigrid Kaag (D66) the intended Minister of Finance is.

Another D66 minister will also continue in the next cabinet. Kajsa Ollongren is the intended defense minister. Striking newcomer is Robbert Dijkgraaf -scientist and known to the general public for his lectures at DWDD-. He will become Minister of Education, Culture and Science on behalf of D66.

Franc Weerwind, currently mayor of Almere, will become Minister for Legal Protection.


It is not yet known which post CDA leader Wopke Hoekstra will fill. There are persistent rumors in The Hague that Hoekstra will fill the post of Foreign Affairs, but a well-established CDA member says that ‘not to be taken seriously’.


Carola Schouten (ChristenUnie) leaves the Ministry of Agriculture and becomes Minister for Poverty Policy, Participation and Pensions. We also see two new faces at the CU: Henk Staghouwer and Maarten van Ooijen. The Groningen deputy Staghouwer will become minister for Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality.

The 31-year-old Van Ooijen is currently alderman in Utrecht and will become State Secretary for Youth and Prevention.

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