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Ernst August faces three years in prison

Prosecutor determined

Prince Ernst August of Hanover was admitted to psychiatry after escalation in Grünau.

Freak out. The scandal file of Prince Ernst August von Hannover (66) has added a new chapter: On Wednesday evening around midnight, the last great-grandson of the last German emperor called in Grünau (Upper Austria), where he has been retired for years (see right), the rescue. He was under sugar, two people would threaten him with the killings – but it was only his housekeeper and his head forester with him in the cabin.

When the forces arrived at the property with two police officers, the situation escalated – Ernst August is said to have threatened the officials with a knife sharpener, after which he was beaten down and taken to the psychiatry in Vöcklabruck.

“They wanted to spray me down”, the day after the prince publicly accused the clinic of “deprivation of liberty”. “I screamed until I was allowed to go out.” He denies all allegations, feels like a victim.

Indictment: threat, resistance & assault

Investigation. Now the public prosecutor’s office in Wels is investigating. A spokeswoman explains to AUSTRIA the three allegations against the prince, who is still (since 1999) married to Caroline of Monaco:

  • Suspected dangerous threat to police officers.

  • Attempted resistance to state authority.

  • Mayhem.

Processes. If there is an indictment – Ernst August also wants to sue the police and the doctor in psychiatry – the nobleman, who has been on record in Germany for a long time, faces up to three years in prison.

In any case, in your community you protect yourself from the most famous residents – the mayor can report “only good things” about him. #

Mayor: “Prince August is valued in town”

Castle, large area, hunting lodge: this is how Ernst August von Hannover lives in Upper Austria.

Grünau in the Almtal. Everyone in Grünau knows the Welfen prince, he is with you with most of the locals. Wolfgang Bammer, ÖVP Mayor, appreciates him very much: “In Grünau he is very well respected”, he says to AUSTRIA: “He is very much appreciated in Grünau, leads a simple, withdrawn life, is often and happy to travel around town, talks to people in the pub. ”He is also an honorary citizen of the community. There have never been any problems, said the local director. Ernst August generously supports clubs, safeguards the wildlife park, the hunting associations regularly flush money into local tourism: “We will not make a hasty judgment,” says Bammer, “I do not know what really happened.”

Friendly. At the AUSTRIA local inspection, the extensive area around his hunting lodge is sealed off, the gates locked, and a sign reads: “restricted area”. A neighbor is amazed at the excitement: “It’s always nice.”

(as is)

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