Home » Health » Ernestine MBAKOU: Consuming Menstrual Blood

Ernestine MBAKOU: Consuming Menstrual Blood


Gavin lived with his father after his parents divorced. A normal teenager
and carefree who did not know that his life was going to be turned upside down with the entry of a
new woman in their life.
Solange is there for a very specific purpose. Gavin will live against his will
a series of strange facts like drinking her stepmother’s menstrual blood. He
will realize that they have been manipulated from the start.
Our past always follows us and never leaves us. It’s the only chance
to Gavin to emerge victorious from the traps set by Solange!
Overcoming evil and sowing love will be the goal of this young boy to whom life has no
left no choice!

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