Home » today » News » Erna Solberg, Korona | Comes with a sting to the Støre government: – They were very critical of us

Erna Solberg, Korona | Comes with a sting to the Støre government: – They were very critical of us

On Wednesday, Stian Blipp (31) invited to the premiere of the show he has so far only staged in Bergen, “Cirque du Blipp”, in the capital. The premiere took place at Latter – where several famous people were watching the red carpet just before the start of the show.

Among others Erna Solberg (60) and Abid Raja (46), who both looked forward to seeing the popular Bergen native’s new show.

But that Blipp could invite to an almost full hall was not a matter of course. It is only a short week since the government opened up for more people to gather at cultural events around the country, and increased from 200 to 1500 guests at indoor events with permanent seats.

Also read: The cultural industry demonstrates: – We need help

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The strict rules regarding cultural events have recently been a very relevant topic, and before the government eased the measures last week, a number of cultural profiles and actors gathered outside the Storting to demonstrate against the strict restrictions – which once again hit the industry.

Naturally, therefore, Nettavisen spoke with the former Prime Minister and Minister of Culture about the new government’s corona schemes, especially with regard to culture.

– Has been a damn situation

Abid Raja himself believes that he and the Solberg government handled the situation correctly, and also hopes that the current government manages to maintain what he himself believes was “the world’s best scheme” when he himself sat in government and managed the measures.

– When Erna and I managed this, we had the world’s best scheme for the cultural industry. And I hope this government also gets the world’s best schemes, says Raja to Nettavisen.

– For now, it is really time to open up for the culture industry, the former Minister of Culture adds.

Also read: Leaves no doubt: This is what Erna Solberg says about the much talked about Taliban visit

He makes no secret of the fact that recent years have been tough, especially for vulnerable industries, and hopes brighter times await.

– It has been a hell of a situation for the cultural industry ever since the corona came in early March 2020. And then it’s really time to open up. So I hope the government finds that room, and in the meantime we must have the best schemes, Raja points out in conclusion to Nettavisen.

Respects the government’s choice

The former Prime Minister also hopes we are moving towards times when a little more of society will be reopened:

– Fortunately, it looks like things are going much better at the moment, so now it is probably soon possible to have fun full time.

Also read: Singing at the border is taken off the screen for good

Solberg adds that her own government received criticism from the current government when it was they who controlled the measures, and says that she and the previous government have chosen a different approach to how they view the government.

– I think that now it is they who have to choose the combination of measures, and we have respected that, she says.

– They were very critical of us for a while when we chose to do it. We have chosen not to be so critical that they make these choices. If not, we might have to keep something else closed.

The online newspaper also spoke to Solberg about the controversial Taliban visit. Hear what she said about it below:

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