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“Erin Doom Reveals Identity and Talks New Novel ‘Stigma’: Exclusive Interview”

When he arrives at the headquarters of the Corriere della Sera, Erin Doom she is excited. Until yesterday the most read writer of 2022 was invisible. Seven hundred thousand copies sold with the first two books, Tearmaker (2021) e The way the snow falls (2022), but no one knew who he was.

Now, however, he presents himself in person, his long blond hair wrapped in a green headband, his face smiling. She decided to reveal his identity and show himselfSunday evening live TV on RaiTre with Fabio Fazio to “What the weather is like” and in this interview. All this on the eve of the release of his third novel (published by Magazzini Salani like the previous ones): Stigma. And romance like the first two books loved by readers, and especially female readers, between 12 and 25 years old.

So what should we call it from now on?
«At the moment it is natural for me to introduce myself with my real name, Matilde. But I’m also Erin Doom and so I will continue to sign my books.

He always said that sooner or later he would reveal his identity. Why did she decide to do it now?
“I have always been shy and introverted. From the beginning, when I published the first chapter books on the Wattpad platform and then with self publishing (on Amazon, ndr), I chose a pseudonym to experience all this in the way that best suited my nature. Anonymity was a conscious choice, but also a compromise. But I felt that I was missing the chance to meet readers. I lived it all through a screen and I almost didn’t realize it. The choice to reveal myself was gradual: now I’m ready».

His readers already knew his real name. On her Instagram, where she interacts with them, they call her «Mati». Do you also reveal her surname?
«Per ora no».

But who is Erin Doom then? Do you want to tell us something more about her biography?
“One step at a time, for the moment I prefer not to give details. For now, I’ll repeat what I’ve already revealed: I’m from Emilia, but I’ve recently moved to another region. I’m under thirty. I was born in May. And Tuesday, the 16th, is also my birthday.’

He studied law. Are you still working in the legal field?
“Not anymore. Now I dedicate myself to books».

What emotions are you feeling these days?
‘It’s a moment I’ve been waiting for a long time. Unveiling means presence: finally I will be able to look the reader in the eye. Say: there are. But I also have many fears. After all, it takes courage to be yourself».

Is there also the fear that once the mystery is removed, something will break?
“No, actually it’s more the fear of disappointing the expectations of these very young girls.”

The success, especially thanks to word of mouth on TikTok, has been overwhelming. When did you realize that things were changing?
‘When I saw in the newspaper that my dad brought me that the book was number one. For the first time a concrete sign. Before, everything was virtual: Wattpad and the shares on TikTok…».

Did your parents always know that you are Erin Doom?
‘At first, nobody knew. I started saying it when Tearmaker it came out for Salani: first to two best friends, then to my mum, another friend and my dad».

Anonymity was his invisibility cloak, as in “Harry Potter”.
‘He protected me. And in some cases it was very beautiful. Like last year when at the Book Fair I was able to savor this world without fear. Now without the cloak I don’t know what it will be like.’

It will no longer be able to run undisturbed.
«In Turin, I didn’t even manage to enter an event where they talked about me. The hall was full and they sent me away. I was shooting with Carrie Leighton, author of Better, and another writer friend and the little girls stopped them with lighted eyes. They signed the books and I took pictures. At one point a girl said to me: “Sorry about you. Can you hold my pen?” Nobody calculated me. It was incredible.’

On Tuesday, “Stigma”, his first “unpublished”, without passages on platforms arrives in the bookstore. The title is one word.
“It is consistent with the book that it is. Manufacturer it was a fairy tale, filtered through the eyes of a girl who sees everything as magic. Here, however, the point of view is that of Mireya, which is tougher. Like the title».

Mireya and Andras are two characters “far from perfect”.
«I have always chosen protagonists who complement each other: Nica and Rigel in ManufacturerIvy e Mason in Neve. Mireya and Andras, on the other hand, have countless flaws, and so many points in common that they collide».

Nica and Ivy were orphans, Mireya instead has a mother who with her drug addiction plays a decisive role.
“Through the lack of a family, I underlined its value. Here the family exists, but Mireya’s mother has had to face such difficult situations that her daughter bears the mark, the scar».

Like the previous ones, “Stigma” is set in the United States.
“A love that is born from the travels I have made since I was a child with my parents”.

“Stigma” is the first volume of a saga. How many novels will it be composed of?
‘Two or three, I haven’t figured it out yet. I prefer stand-alone novels but I always knew this story would need more than one book. The sequel will focus more on Andras.’

Have you already started writing the sequel?
“Yes. When I start a book I always have to know where it will end up: for Stigma I wrote everything down in a notebook I started years ago».

The Teamaker, which is being translated in 18 countries, will become a film. What can you tell us about the production?
‘Unfortunately, still nothing. But it goes. And we will see soon. I was also on the set, but to do it I had to pretend to be an intern at the publishing house».

At the end of “Stigma” thanks readers and readers, “the spark that gives life to every single novel”.
‘Without them I wouldn’t be here. Stigma it is a new beginning, a rebirth. And it’s wonderful that the release of the book and the first meeting with them in Milan coincide with my birthday».

The presentations

Erin Doom, after revealing her face, meets her readers for the first time on the occasion of the release of her new novel, Stigma (Salani Warehouses). Tuesday 16 May, at 17.30 he will be in Milan (The Space Cinema Odeon, via Santa Radegonda) in dialogue with Fabio Fazio. On Wednesday 17th a copy signing is scheduled in Rome, at 8pm, at the Feltrinelli bookshop in via Appia Nuova 427. Saturday 27th May appointment at 3pm at the Mondadori Megastore in Località Aurno, Marcianise (Caserta) and the day after, Sunday 28th at 4pm , at the Ubik I Portali bookshop in via Cristoforo Colombo in San Giovanni La Punta (Catania).

2023-05-14 18:35:57
#writer #Erin #Doom #reveals

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