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Erick Thohir requests that Pertamax price adjustments be announced once a week

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – Minister of State Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir wants announcement of fuel oil price adjustment (BBM) Pertamax o Unsubsidized fuel can be announced once a week.

Usually, fuel price adjustments by PT Pertamina (Persero) are announced at the beginning of each month.

“Right now we want to consult first so that (update) First price it can be done once a week,” Erick said at BUMN Ministry, Jakarta on Monday (2/1/2023).

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Erick said the proposal was made on the assumption that Pertamax fuel prices followed market prices, not subsidized fuel.

“Pertamax is not included in the subsidized fuel category, which means it (must) be economically priced,” he said.

According to the former Inter president, the goal is to make it update Pertamax BBM prices every week so that the price can easily and quickly adjust to market prices.

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“This government is amazing, Pertamax is subsidized even though the fuel is not subsidised. Don’t get caught up in the bureaucracy, the price of petrol has gone down, the rules haven’t been enacted yet,” he said.

Previously, PT Pertamina (Persero) had planned to hold a press conference related to the General Fuel Type (JBU) fuel adjustment on Sunday (1/1/2023), but it was cancelled.

Erick said his party was still conducting consultations so that no rules were violated in the fuel price adjustment policy.

“Yesterday (the announcement of the fuel price adjustment) was postponed, because I wanted to make sure it didn’t violate (the rules), then it was thought that the SOE minister was just playing heads up,” Erick said.

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Confirmed kompas.comPertamina Patra Niaga business secretary Irto Ginting said his party made no changes to fuel prices earlier in the year because they were still doing so revision.

“Nothing has changed, it’s still us revision”, Irto said.

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