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Erick Thohir Reorganizes PLN’s Board of Directors, Here’s the Complete List


Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir today reshuffled the board of directors in the electricity state-owned company, PT PLN (Persero).

The reshuffle is stated in the Decree of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Number SK-200/MBU/06/2021 and the PLN General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) in 2021.

In the letter, it was decided to appoint and appoint Muhammad Ikbal Nur as Regional Business Director for Sumatra and Kalimantan, Wiluyo Kusdwiharto as Director for Mega Projects and New Renewable Energy, and Evy Haryadi as Director of Corporate Planning. This decision is effective from 16 June 2021.

The Decree was submitted by the Deputy Minister of BUMN I, Pahala N Mansury, in Jakarta, Wednesday (16/6/2021).

With the above changes, the composition of the Board of Directors PLN as follows:
1. Zulkifli Zaini as President Director.
2. Darmawan Prasodjo as Deputy President Director.
3. Sinthya Roesly as Director of Finance and Risk Management
4. Syofvi Felienty Roekman as Director of Human Resources Management.
5. Evy Haryadi as Director of Corporate Planning.
6. Bob Saril as Director of Commerce and Customer Management.
7. Rudy Hendra Prastowo as Director of Primary Energy.
8. Wiluyo Kusdwiharto as Director of Mega Projects and New Renewable Energy.
9. Muhammad Ikbal Nur as Regional Business Director for Sumatra and Kalimantan.
10. Haryanto WS as Regional Business Director for Java, Madura and Bali.
11. Syamsul Huda as Regional Business Director for Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua & Nusa Tenggara.

Changes in the Board of Directors are common and part of efforts to improve company performance. PLN continues to be committed to transforming in order to provide the best and excellent service for all customers in the country.


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