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Eric Zemmour: who is Sarah Knafo, his shadow adviser who made the front page of Paris-Match?

the essential
A young 28-year-old enarque works in the shadow of Eric Zemmour, not yet officially a candidate for the 2022 presidential election. She is on the front page of the people press this week.

New book, interview with Laurent Ruquier, debate with Jean-Luc Mélenchon on BFMTV tonight… Not a day goes by without Eric Zemmour being present in the media. And yet, the former CNews polemicist tipped to be a presidential candidate in 2022, has not officially declared himself.

Paris Match and here is write this week that Eric Zemmour, married and father of three children, could be in a relationship with a young woman who runs his campaign. Paris Match describes Sarah Knafo as “his very close adviser” while here is evokes “an idyll”. The polemicist will file a complaint against Paris Match.

Who is this young woman and what is her background?

Sarah Knafo was born in 1993 in Pavillons-sous-Bois in Seine-Saint-Denis. She was born into a Sephardic Jewish family, a long-time friend of Eric Zemmour. She attended a Jewish high school under contract, a member of the Alliance Israélite Universelle. She graduated from high school in 2011.

After her baccalaureate, Sarah Knafo completed a preparatory class in economics, quantitative methods and management. In 2013, she joined Science-Po Paris where she was admitted to a master’s degree in public affairs. A year later, she obtained a double degree in economics / political science at the Panthéon-Sorbonne University.

In 2017, the young woman joined the ENA, the national school of administration, within the Molière promotion. She completed internships at the French Embassy in Libya, at the Pyrénées-Atlantiques prefecture and at Publicis. Her good ranking allowed her to join the Court of Auditors where she became a magistrate. She has just requested a layoff “for personal convenience”.

A former preparatory classmate says of Sarak Knafo in Morning Policy in February: “We have the image of an ambitious girl who succeeds young and quickly, but Sarah is above all a girl of her age, who works, who sees her boyfriend, who parties with her friends, a generous person in his private life as in his commitments!

  • His first mentor: Henri Guaino

During her studies at Science-Po, Sarah Knafo co-founded the student association “Critique of European reason” which adopted a sovereignist and eurosceptic discourse. She meets several politicians, befriends Marie-France Garaud (ex-RPR who went to the National Rally) – they have tea on Sundays – then with Henri Guaino, Nicolas Sarkozy’s adviser. She even founded the youth movement with Henri Guaino. He will not ultimately be a candidate for the Eysée. In 2019, Sarah Knafo is one of the main organizers of the “Convention for the right” with Marion Maréchal and Eric Zemmour.

  • Dinner meetings with Eric Zemmour

Sarah Knafo has already organized several meetings in her apartment located in the Latin Quarter between Eric Zemmour and political figures. L’Obs quotes Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, the president of Debout la France, Laurent Wauquiez the president of the Rhône-Alpes-Auvergne region or Marion Maréchal.

  • A platform for spreading culture

Beyond politics, Sarah Knafo founded the “Alexandre & Aristote” association in 2021 with the novelist Alexandre Galen. Objective: to spread culture by giving personalized reading advice thanks to an algorithm.

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