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Eric Dupond-Moretti pleads his case with environmentalists

10:48 p.m., August 22, 2020

When the Minister of Justice, Eric Dupond-Moretti, arrives at the summer days of environmentalists in Pantin (Seine-Saint-Denis), the reception is cold. Lined up on either side of the path, about twenty activists carrying anti-hunting signs or repeating his remarks on the MeToo movement offer him a hedge that is anything but a hedge of honor. EELV MEP Yannick Jadot comes to meet him. “You will see that there are nice ayatollahs,” he tells him, referring to the preface to the book by the president of the National Federation of Hunters, Willy Schraen, written by the Minister of Justice.

Read also – INFO JDD. Dupond-Moretti attacks the “ayatollahs of ecology” in the book of the patron saint of hunters

As an aside, Jadot adds: “It is not on the level of his duties to write an anti-green and hateful pamphlet.” When Éric Piolle, the mayor of Grenoble, also calls on Dupond-Moretti, the discussion becomes tense. “I told him about MeToo which annoys him, about the climate generation which annoys him, about the demand for justice from popular neighborhoods which annoys him… He has gone into a spin”, says Piolle.

The Minister defends the government’s environmental record

Once on stage, the former lawyer seems more peaceful. He advances his arguments. Put on your glasses, take notes. “If I am here, it is because I think you are not green ayatollahs, he said. I have questioned extremism, not you. Extremists are everywhere, among the hunters too. ” He admits it: “I had a freedom of tone when I was a lawyer that I no longer have.” His words were distorted, he said, but “I understand that you were injured”. On one of the thorny questions of the moment, he does not hesitate to say what he thinks: “I am against the slime hunt.”

Others ask him about feminism. “Regarding the MeToo movement, I said that he had freed the word of women and that it was something positive”, he begins, adding that for him justice is not should not be done on social networks. “Without social networks, there would not have been this movement,” Piolle will slip, once the debate is over.

For now, the minister defends the environmental record of the government, evokes the closure of coal plants … “They are not closed”, cut Julien Bayou, the national secretary of EELV. “We must not confuse speed and haste”, retorts Dupond-Moretti. Bayou: “You went very quickly on the ISF on the other hand.” In 30 minutes, the debate quickly comes to an end. The recognition of the crime of ecocide, desired by the Citizen’s Climate Convention? He is not for, but plans to create an offense. Behind the scenes, some executives already regret this coming which crushes everything else. “Buzz that scrambles our message”, moans one of them. Chase Dupond-Moretti, he comes back at a gallop.

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