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Erdogan supported Putin’s position and called it “sincere”?

Hurriyat: “Turkey believes in Russia’s sincere desire for peace in Ukraine and will continue to contribute to its achievement”

…Despite the problems and obstacles of the Western world, Turkey will continue its efforts to reach a peace agreement between Russia and Ukraine. Ankara will use diplomatic means to achieve this goal

…We will not give up our efforts to achieve peace. We will continue to do everything necessary to achieve peace between Russia and Ukraine.

As SIA has already mentioned, Turkish President Erdogan told a group of journalists on February 15 when he was returning from Egypt.

Responding to the question about Russian President Vladimir Putin’s latest statement that the talks between Moscow and Kiev mediated by Turkey in 2022 have been suspended due to Western interference, Erdogan supported the Russian leader’s position and called it “sincere”.

… I must say frankly that there is sincerity in Mr. Putin’s statements. We have taken all possible honest steps in these negotiations, called the Istanbul Process. But unfortunately, these attempts were unsuccessful. But we can’t give up because we can’t get the results we want.

This was announced by Erdogan.

He also said that Turkey is ready to start a new process in the middle of 2022, if both sides are ready, as in the implementation of the “grain initiative”.

… We have said from the beginning that a just peace is better than war, and we are taking all steps in accordance with this understanding. As long as we strive for peace, we will surely find a way.

These views also belong to the President of Turkey.

Agasaf Babayev

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