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Erdogan: Biden’s hands are stained with blood because of his support for Israel

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan today accused his American counterpart Joe Biden of staining his hands with blood for his support for Israel as the Jewish state strikes in the Gaza Strip, AFP reported.

“You Write the Story with Bloody Hands”Erdogan told Biden. He blamed the US administration for approving new arms sales to Israel, which is carrying out disproportionate attacks on the Gaza Strip.

Today, Joe Biden’s government approved a potential $ 735 million sale of high-precision weapons to Israel. According to sources in the US Congress, members of the legislature are not expected to object to the deal despite the conflict between Israel and Palestinian militants, Reuters reported.

According to three members of Congress, the legislature was formally notified of the planned commercial sale on May 5 as part of a regular procedure for approving agreements on large arms sales abroad.

Congress was notified of the sale in April as part of the usual informal notification procedure that preceded the May 5 formal announcement. By law, official notification marks the beginning of a 15-day period in which Congress can object to the sale, which is not expected despite continued violence.

The sale of Combined ammunition for direct attack (Joint Direct Attack Ammunitions, JDAM), manufactured by Boeing, was considered routine at the time, before the fiercest fighting broke out in the region early last week, Reuters reported.

There were no objections from Republican and Democrat leaders on foreign policy committees dealing with the approval of such deals, the associates said.

Asked for comment, a State Department spokesman noted that by law, the agency could not comment on or publicly confirm details of licensing activities related to commercial transactions such as the high-precision munitions agreement.

By law, Congress has the right to object to such arms sales, but in this case unlikely to do so. This is because Israel is one of the few countries with which arms deals are approved under the fast-track procedure, so the usual objection period will end before congressmen can pass a resolution of disapproval, even if they intend to do so.

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