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ERC claims its pacts in Madrid against the “bunkerization” of JxCat

“Respect”. It is one of the most repeated words ERC and JxCat in the last hours after the new clash between partners of Govern after the republican pact with the PSOE for the last extension of the alarm state. Respect for your own decision and respect for the position of the other. Although once manifested it ends up being the anticipation of the reprimand that comes.

After two days of critical JxCat messages led by the President of the Generalitat, Quim Torra, and the spokeswoman in Congress, Laura Borràs, subtracting the effective value of the signed agreement and expressing opposition to the state of alarm if the powers were not returned to the Generalitat immediately, Esquerra responded yesterday claiming what was agreed -participation of the Govern in the management of funds transferred by the European Union, autonomous command of the de-escalated starting from phase three and exploring alternatives to the state of alarm in case of outbreak – but above all underlining the strategic value that means “recovering the dialogue lost in recent weeks and stretching PSOE and United We Can towards the progressive and left-wing majority of the investiture ”. The opposite, the approach of Ferraz to Cs supposed, for ERC, that “the legislature was ending”, explained yesterday at a press conference its spokesperson, Marta Vilalta.

The members of the Govern place their differences in “normality” and Puigdemont calls for independence unity

Esquerra admits that the text sealed with the socialists does not incorporate all their demands. In the eaves are, for example, the benefit per dependent person in charge during the pandemic or that the Generalitat can manage the recently approved vital minimum income, as the Basque Country and Navarra will do. However, the Republicans emphasize that “it is a good agreement” and, above all, “a step forward for future negotiations.” In other words, in ERC they trust that with the rebuilt bridges they will generate an “ecosystem” in which it is easier to negotiate future progress.

Especially regarding the dialogue table between Moncloa and the Generalitat, a key axis of the Republicans in the legislature. Marta Vilalta was pleased that the agreement with the PSOE “guarantees that Cs will not interfere or boycott the dialogue table” because she understands that now the oranges “are no longer decisive”. The pact does not include any explicit reference to negotiation between governments, “but it is implicitly a guarantee that it can be resumed.” Pending the end of the state of alarm, ERC is confident that it will be in early July, although they leave the date in the hands of Pedro Sánchez and Quim Torra.

Esquerra claims that he rolls up his sleeves and opposes it to JxCat’s attitude. “Bunkerization is easier but it does not give tangible results,” his spokesman poked. The republicans do not share “according to what criticisms and gestures” and denounced that “it is irresponsible that whoever does not reach any agreement belittles this.” More pungent was the ERC spokesman in Congress, Gabriel Rufián, pointing out that JxCat’s refusal to the state of alarm “is not due to the independence axis”, but to its “ideological axis”, aligning the postconvergents in the bloc of the right, a “cliché” against which Laura Borràs stirred, questioning that “a Government that does not repeal the gag law, applies a digital 155, maintains repression and that its first gesture in alarm is to remove the powers of the Generalitat” be progressive.

Despite the fray, what ERC and JxCat did agree on yesterday is in denying that their differences in Madrid affected the Palau de la Generalitat and placed it in the “normality” of two parties with different approaches. Yes, from Waterloo Carles Puigdemont He launched a warning: “We all need each other, perhaps we could stop attacking ourselves because if we don’t recognize ourselves as capable of going together we have to explain to the people that we will not be independent.”

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