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Equality focuses on six residences the investigation for the entry of charges in the first vaccines

VALENCIA. More than half a year later, the investigations have not yet concluded. The Department of Equality and Inclusive Policies that directs Monica Oltra continues to investigate who sneaked into residences without being authorized personnel or from the socio-health centers themselves to attend the first vaccination of users.

Investigations that were initially motivated after learning that the socialist mayor of Rafelbunyol, Fran lopez, entered the senior center in his town to witness the first puncture. López accessed the interior of the residence despite the fact that the restrictions prevented outsiders from entering them to avoid as much as possible contagions by covid-19. From this case, others began to be known that led both the Health Department and the department responsible for the elderly to open an investigation in several residences.

The Equality exam, for the moment, continues its course. Last March they appointed two officials to instruct the files. Both have been in charge, among other issues, of collecting data and conducting interviews to draw up their first conclusions, which focus specifically on six centers of the Valencian Community of the 11 that began to investigate: Santa Marta (Vila Joiosa), Savia (La Nucia), the residence for the elderly in Rafelbunyol, La Saleta (Calpe), Savia (Orihuela) and San Antonio Abad (Villahermosa del River).

Although the sanction proposal remains to be determined and later a period of allegations must be opened for the centers in question, for the moment the first resolutions expose some deficiencies when it comes to complying with the protocols, as in the case of Santa Marta, where both the mayor and the councilor of Vila Joiosa who accessed the center were not registered as external personnel on the day they attended the first vaccination of residents.

The most severe conclusions, yes, perhaps focus on the residence of Savia Orihuela, since the instructors of these files not only censure that the first day of vaccination access was made by outside personnel “without any type of professional connection with the center”, but also that they were not “properly registered” as required by the measures issued by the Ministry of Equality.

Both the current Orihuela Councilor for Health “and a person who accompanied him” accessed the facilities. The first resolution focuses on the fact that photographs were taken together with the first person living in the center who received the vaccine, “with hardly any interpersonal distance and without the recommended PPE.”

On the other hand, in La Nucia the management of the center is ugly if it did not act with “diligence” when it came to preventing the entry of outside personnel, understanding that it would be Public Health who would assume this type of control. And they are equally forceful about the center of Rafelbunyol, since it is censured that an “adequate access control” was not carried out through one of the entrance doors to the facilities on the day of the vaccination, as well as that it was not registered and identified to the people who entered through it.

In the case of La Saleta, the report prepared by the Inclusive Policies technicians lists up to three unjustified entries, although it is also recognized that they did not put “residents at health risk” by having entered through a door other than the one they usually use. users and workers and, in addition, did not share premises with them.

An exhibition from which it can be deduced that this center could end without any sanction, as well as that of Villahermosa del Río, since they indicate that the mayor is the administrator of the residence in question and that, as such, he regularly assumes some jobs in facilities that have to do with maintenance.

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