National conference on childcare and schools
The equal treatment of pregnant primary teachers, the protection of all-day schools and the resumption of independent special school education are the three concerns of Salzburg that were decided today at the conference of political state representatives.
Svazek: “Equal conditions for pregnant women.”
A motion tabled by Salzburg calls on the federal government to end the unequal treatment of private and public providers of primary education institutions when exempting pregnant teachers. “For private legal entities in childcare, there is an urgent need for appropriate uniform regulation throughout Austria,” emphasizes Deputy Governor Marlene Svazek. The background is that communication with small children increases the risk of infection with the infectious disease cytomegalo, which can harm the unborn child in pregnant women.
Gutschi: “Money for round-the-clock care.”
Salzburg also campaigned for all-day schools in Upper Austria. “Time and staff for learning support, guidance and support ensure more equal opportunities in the education system and improve work and family compatibility. to a unanimous decision by the conference.
(C) Land OÖ/Stinglmayr
Special education should come back
The federal states are also not giving up the request to bring back special school training, which ended in 2015. “With specially trained teachers, children and young people with learning difficulties can be supported or delayed development in the best way,” said State Councilor Gutschi.
2024-10-11 20:55:00
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