The Episcopal Justice and Peace Commission of Burkina (CJP Burkina) organized this November 30, 2023 the Hauts-Bassins regional forum on social cohesion. Several customary and religious leaders from the region were invited to this activity.
Holding this forum is part of the implementation of the “On the Paths of Dialogue!” Project. », co-financed by the Italian Episcopal Conference (CEI) and implemented by Progettomondo in partnership with the Episcopal Commission for Justice and Peace (CJP). The said forum generally aims to strengthen the capacities of leaders of communities and religious denominations so that they can develop initiatives to enhance and promote peace and social cohesion, according to Abbot Anselme Sanon, coordinator of the CJP. in Bobo.
During this activity, five communications were on the program. Among which that on the mechanism of social cohesion, provided by Armand Héma. In his communication, the latter says for example that social cohesion is the harmonious and peaceful living together of communities which allows equitable access to resources, cultivates shared collective values while respecting human rights, the laws and institutions of the republic, while reducing social inequalities. Armand Héma also spoke about the factors favorable to this social cohesion. This involves the organization of cultural, traditional or customary activities, the promotion of cultural heritage, among others.
Blaise Sanou, from the Tounouma blacksmith caste, participating in this forum, finds it a great initiative. He says that Burkina Faso has been facing a problem of social cohesion for several years. For his part, to hear him say, he is experienced in resolving problems of social cohesion, thanks to his membership in the blacksmith caste. For him, it is necessary “that we teach our children our values. Today we are neither white nor black,” he regrets. Before adding that everyone must know their place, to be able to play the role they must play.

Note that the episcopal justice and peace commission is an organization of the Catholic Church, responsible for promoting justice and peace at the national, diocesan and parish level. It is therefore a confessional organization in its origin, but not in its aim. Through this organization, the Church intends to engage in the same fight, the entire ecclesial community and also “all men and women of good will who strive to serve the common good”.
Abdoul-Karim Etienne SANON