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Epidemiologists Call Covid-19 Cases in Indonesia Have Not Reached Peak

TRIBUNPALU.COM – The Covid-19 corona virus pandemic in Indonesia is considered not to have reached the peak of the first wave.

This was revealed by an epidemiologist from Airlangga University (Unair) Surabaya, Dr. Windhu Purnomo.

Windhu said that although there were signs that cases had decreased in October, he said the case graph was still increasing.

“Yesterday in October it seemed like we reached the top because then cases seemed to go down.”

“But my allegations (the pandemic has not yet reached its peak) turned out to be correct.”

“This means that currently cases in Indonesia are still climbing, they have not reached the peak of the first wave,” said Windhu when contacted Tribunnews.com, Friday night.

Epidemiology expert from Airlangga University (Unair) Surabaya, Dr. Windhu Purnomo. (special)

It is known that since the first time the Covid-19 case was announced in Indonesia on March 2, 2020, there have been more than 450 thousand cases in Indonesia to date.

In total, there have been 457,735 cases of Covid-19 to date in Indonesia.

While cases that led to death totaled 15,037 people.

The good news is, the total recovery to date is 385,094 people.

Graph of positive cases of Covid-19 until Friday (11/13/2020).
Graph of positive cases of Covid-19 until Friday (11/13/2020). (covid19.go.id)

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