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Epidemiological report: Pedro Aguirre Cerda and Cerro Navia became the communes with the highest mortality rate in the country

Tonight, the 29th epidemiological report, prepared by the Minsal on the situation of the coronavirus in our country, was released.

When reviewing it, it is striking the comparison that is made between the deaths that occurred from the month of May with that of the last 4 years.

“When making a comparison of the deaths registered and reported in the last 5 years in Chile (2016-2020), it is observed that, as of May 2020, there is an increase above the average of the previous 4 years. Accumulated deaths in the year 2020 between the months of January to June are equivalent to 15% more deaths in relation to the average of accumulated deaths in the same period in the years 2016 to 2019, even though the month of June is in the process of taxation. The mortality rate for the month of June presents an increase of 17% compared to the average for the same month in the years 2016 to 2019, ″ says the report.

As for the municipalities with the highest mortality rates in the country, Pedro Aguirre Cerda and Cerro Navia came to occupy the top positions.

In addition, it is reported that until June 27, 301,153 cases of COVID-19 have occurred (271,420 with laboratory confirmation and 29,733 probable, without laboratory confirmation), with a rate of 1,547.6 per 100,000 inhabitants.

The highest cumulative incidence rates per 100,000 inhabitants, according to laboratory-confirmed cases, are found in the Metropolitan region (2,911.6), the Tarapacá Region (1,575.3) and the Antofagasta Region (1,241.7). The Metropolitan region presents a total of 236,752 accumulated cases, among confirmed confirmed, confirmed not reported and probable. Being-even- the region with the most cases in the country. They are followed by the regions of Antofagasta (8,630) and Biobio (7,229).

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