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“Epidemic phase over, no second wave”

Covid-19, calm is coming after the storm in Italy. This is assured by Professor Giuseppe Remuzzi, who explains why there is no need to worry despite the new infections.

The epidemic phase in Italy is basically over, which means it will not be there no second wave for the coming autumn. To ensure this is the professor Giuseppe Remuzzi, director of the Mario Negri Irccs Pharmacological Research Institute, spoke today to the microphones of Corriere della Sera.

In fact, in his opinion, beyond the unnecessary alarmism, it will be months “Better than many think, provided you use common sense, masks, distance, and put anxiety and hysteria back in the drawer”. And recent studies, reports the expert, would confirm these theories.

Covid deaths
(Photo: Getty)

Covid-19, Remuzzi: “Epidemic phase over in Italy”

Or: “A study just published in Lancet and signed by Gianfranco Alicandro and Carlo Lavecchia, of the National Institute of Statistics and of the University of Milan, which finds that in the first fortnight of May 2020, in the second and throughout June, there is no state excess mortality compared to the previous year “.

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All this has a very precise translation: “The epidemic phase in Italy is essentially over. This does not mean that there will not be another one, but that it is improper to speak of the second wave. We have now entered the surveillance phase, which includes the careful search for contacts of people who are positive to the swab ”.

Now we just need to monitor, track and prevent until the famous vaccine is in place. But there will not be a worsening and a return to the previous critical situation, unless there are management disasters on the part of the institutions and citizens. And don’t be alarmed by the new positives: “The more we look for, the more we find. It seems normal to me. Then we confuse the infections with the severity of the disease “.

In the end, Professor Remuzzi concludes, everything will be for the best. “Something we risk, something will happen. Will some schools have to close? Amen, it’s part of the surveillance. We close and reopen “. Some battles may be lost, but the final war will be won. We will be back to normal soon.

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