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Epidemic: First Genevan infected with coronavirus – News Geneva: Geneva news

A first case of coronavirus was detected in Geneva.

According to our information, “on Wednesday, a 28-year-old man who returned from Milan Fashion Week was tested positive,” said the spokesman for the Department of Safety, Employment and Health. “Upon his arrival, noticing certain suspicious symptoms, he contacted his company, which guided him according to the procedures put in place. Tested positive, he was hospitalized preventively at the HUG in a dedicated room and is doing well.

A proximity survey was carried out and the fifteen people with whom he was in contact was identified and quarantined. ”

The spokesperson is pleased that the procedure intended for the public and disseminated by the authorities for a few days has been applied. He reminds her of it: “In general, you must avoid kissing, shaking hands, coughing in your elbow and washing your hands regularly. If in doubt, call your personal physician or a home physician service. Don’t go to the emergency room, wait for someone to take care of you. ”

Despite this first case, Geneva does not consider that it has become a risk zone: “Our zero patient has been identified and the people he may have contaminated too. Everyone is under surveillance. ”

So far, a case of coronavirus has been detected in Switzerland, in Ticino. Others are suspected in Aargau and Neuchâtel. The 70-year-old man in Ticino is doing well, press reports said yesterday.

Under these circumstances, the question of maintaining the Auto Show arises.

Development follows

Created: 27.02.2020, 08:45

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