Home » today » Technology » Epic Games introduced an age rating for skins and islands in Fortnite – the community asked to reverse the decision

Epic Games introduced an age rating for skins and islands in Fortnite – the community asked to reverse the decision

The Fortnite community criticized developers from Epic Games for an innovation that limits the use of paid skins and other cosmetics. Players are asking the studio to reverse this decision under its Twitter post.

On November 16, Epic Games introduced age restrictions for cards and items in the title. Because of this, on several islands you cannot use purchased items if they do not match the rating, including loading screens. If the user puts on an “adult” item on an island with a child rating, then its appearance will change to the standard one.

Fans are concerned that due to the new decision they cannot use the cosmetics they purchased. In addition, the system works with errors, for example, on the “children’s” islands, the Eddie Brock skin from “Venom” is prohibited, but Michael Myers from the horror film “Halloween” is allowed.

Epic Games previously added to Fortnite the ability to record other players’ speech in voice chat. The new functionality will help combat gamers who use the opportunity to communicate with other match participants to harass, insult and discriminate.

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