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Epic Games continues to fight ‘monopolist’ Apple

Epic Games, the developer of the popular online game Fortnite, is appealing the verdict in the company’s lawsuit against American tech giant Apple (DS Sept 11).

According to the court, Apple must now allow developers such as Epic Games to make purchases outside the App Store. As a result, Apple loses a lot of revenue. Anyone who sells apps or subscriptions through the App Store must pay Apple a 30 percent commission.

Epic Games finds it disproportionate, and the court now rules that Apple should allow developers to direct app users to external payment systems.

But the court does not find, as Epic Games had argued, that Apple engaged in illegal monopolistic behavior. Because that conviction has not come, Epic Games does not speak of a victory. And that’s why the gaming company is appealing the verdict. “Epic will continue to fight,” top executive Tim Sweeney said in a tweet.

Apple is still studying the ruling, but realizes that the enormous profitability of the App Store will be under pressure. According to analysts, the App Store brings in more than 20 billion dollars (17 billion euros) per year, good for a profit margin of 75 percent. (bloomberg)

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